Episode 24

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[EPISODE 24: End of the line]

Y/n's POV:

I went to the emergency room greeted by doctors who blocked the way.

"Hey, don't block the door!!" I shouted while squishing in to the crowd. When I got pass, I saw Director Kuk-hwan, and Dad. I got confused, as Jihyo and the others went beside me looking confused too.

"What is happening unnie?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Looks like that Kuk-hwan will be the new CEO." Jihyo said. I looked around and saw the doctors trembling in fear...

"Now all of you, I am now your new CEO!" Kuk-hwan said. I looked at Dad in disbelief, Ms. Hyuna is beside him looking down.

"And you!.." he said pointing at me.
"We don't need you, you're useless...prodigy? Jennie here is the prodigy not you Choi!!" He stated as Jennie smirked. My eyes widen as my heart broke. Those words stings! I worked my ass just to get to this hospital.

Yes I may have a complication when I was a kid which is forbidden on being a doctor but...I risked my childhood for this!!

I looked at Mina, she was looking pitifully at me. Why pity me?!

I looked down, clenching my fists.

Useless? What did that Jennie do? Sat around all day? I didn't even saw her at the emergency room, well yeah just once. Operating, she was with me and Mina last time it did go WELL barely..

I looked up at the "New Ceo" who is now glaring at me. Oh how I wish I could pull his glaring eyes at me then let it fall down to the floor.

Okay, Y/n lets not do that. You're a doctor for god's sake.

"Useless? Maybe tell that to yourselves..."

"You bra--"

"Me? A brat? If I am a brat then you're not deserving to be a CEO. You made nurses suffer and forbid them from experiencing new. Isn't that a useless CEO?" I said looking at him intensely, he looked nervous for some reason. Because he was sweating.

"H-how dare you t-tal--"

"Then,How dare you make the others to suffer you...old man!" I said as he flinched scared. I threatened a punch as he whined.

"Aishh...you old man, you should go to you house resting not...AISHHH!!" I said angrily threatening him for a punch again as he covered his face with his hands.

"We don't need you! You selfish old man!!"


I sighed for the third time. After the...uhh scolding of mine to that old man. He left and never came back. He was scared, if you guys can see his face it was sooo fricking funny!

Here I am, at my table in the office with nothing to do. We got no patients which is good that everybody is safe.

"Hey...you should've scold him pabo"

"Well, he deserve it Minguin~"

I said as we both giggled. Sana and the others went beside us.

"Aigoo...that's our Prodigy!!!" Sana cheered but Jihyo just smacked her for being loud.
"That's my brave cousin!!" Nayeon exclaimed side hugging me.

I heard that the CEO position is still blank.. Dad can't do it anymore, he said that he's too old. So he went back to the province where he found me and rested there for a while.

"Uhh...Y/n? Can i talk to you for a minute..privately?" Mina said as the others nodded suddenly teasing Sana which she whined for. I smiled at them then turned my head to rhis beautiful lady that is mine...

"Y/n....I'm going to the states, there's a ballet competition and...I-i.." she said then starts to tear up. I rubbed her back and smiled.
"Hey, its...fine, its your dream afterall right?" I said then smiled sincerely wiping her tears. She smiles showing that gummy smile making me to fall more.

"Thank you babe!!" She cheered happily before pecking me at the cheeks then hugged me tightly. The others just watched us smiling.

I admit, i'll be sad once she goes to the US. Nayeon will be taking her place as the Head of Surgical department. Since Mina will resign then continue her dreams as a ballerina and a doctor there.

"When will you come back tho?" I asked as she looked down pulling away from the hug.
"I don't know Y/n..."

"Hey..hey..just promise me, you'll come back and no girls okay?" I asked as she smiled cheekily.
"Aww....of course only you" she stated giggling pecking me at the cheeks this time.


Atlast I updated!!!!

I'm very sorry guys for my lazy ass for not updating for...I dunno days? Heheh...stay tuned for the next chapter!

Btw, ending is near!!!


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