Episode 22

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[Truth untold: Picture]

Y/n's POV:

I went to the office and saw Twice except Mina tho.

I sat at my chair and looked at them blankly.

"Hey, Y/n. What's with the face?" Jeongyeon asked as everybody's attention is on me. I sighed and looked up meeting Nayeon unnie's eyes with worry.

"Its nothing....I'm fine, really" i said then smiled at them.
"You should get a bloody girlfriend just like Mina, so we can have godchil--" Sana's voice got cutted by Jihyo smacking her head.
"Don't even think about saying it you snake" Jihyo stated at Sana as she pouted. I giggled a little, even tho I'm stressed on remembering that familiar picture on Ms. Hyuna's table. They still make me happy and I'm grateful to have a group of friends like them.

Nayeon unnie smiled at me while drawing circles at my back. I held her other hand and smiled.

"I'm gonna be fine unnie...okay?" I whispered. She nodded and hugged me. Aigoo she's such a worried grandma.
"Unnie...stop being a concerned grandma" I blurted out as she glared at me.


While I was walking at the corridor, when I walked across Ms. Hyuna's office. My head was debating if I should go in or not since...its like I'm invading her privacy. I breathed out first before knocking. Nobody answered, I decided to just barge in.

When I went inside, only her bag was there. I didn't waste my time and went to her table finding the picture.

I found it at her drawer, I looked around before opening it grabbed the picture. I brought my family's picture just incase.

I looked at it both before slowly connecting it to each other.

"S-she's....Ms. Hyuna is my s-sister?!"


Mina's POV:

I slumped back at my office bored. I miss Y/n, where the hell is she?!

"Getting bored without your girlfriend?" I heard a snake hiss at me.
"Shut up you snake." I snapped back.
"Just marry already! So I can have a godchil--" I cutted Sana off.
"Say it and i'll make you unconcious for a week." I threatened. She held her hands up in the air as a sign of defeat.

"Why are you so scary? If its Y/n, you guys will be nested by ants because of sweetness." She teased.
"You fucking sna--"

"Bye Minari!!"

She said running outside as I just sighed and leaned at my chair. While massaging my temple because of Sana, I saw Y/n holding her picture. She looked....shocked? I quickly went inside as I saw her sitting at her chair she still has this shocked face.

I approached her and crouched down to the chair's level.

"Hey....you alright?" I softly said, she slowly looked at me.
"M-ms. Hyuna....she's my s-sister" she uttered out I widen my eyes and looked at her. She looks like a lost child at the street. I mentally giggled and stood up.

"How?" I asked while ny thumb caressed her hand.
She told me how she knew about the picture and how she knew that Ms. Hyuna is her older sister.
"But...how? I thought she's dead?" I said thinking.
"I don't know....but, there might be time that she would explain it." Y/n explained.

I hugged her while she stood frozen.

"When you need something, tell it to me okay? I'm always here right by your side." I whispered at her ear. She eventually hugged me back burying her face at my shoulder. She seemed to be taking all of the pressure by the past.

She was a kid getting beaten up by her parents, her sister that she knew died but lives. It is a lot of pressure to take in after she knew that her sister IS Ms. Hyuna.

Y/n's POV:

Mina continued to comfort me and its working. I still really can't believe that Ms. Hyuna is my sister! Well, at first I sense some aura from her. But, she really looked creepy when smiling at me.

I suddenly heard cute snores from Mina, maybe she's really tired. I lifted her bridal style and walked to her bed. She's a little heavier now, good thing she still comes down to eat.

I placed her at her bed and tucked her in. I sat beside her while stroking her hair.

Why is she so beautiful?! My heart's on rampage just by seeing her!

"I love you Myoui Mina, and will always be." I suddenly blurted out without thinking. What the hell did I just said?!

"I thought you would never confess" she said with her eyes closed while smiling.
"You're awake?!"

She opened her eyes and smiled before kissing me at the lips.

Sorry for mistakes!

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