Episode 3

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[EPISODE 3: teasing]

Choi Y/n's POV:

I woke up and went down to my top bunk. Until, I saw a goddess sleeping. Damn, she's so cute when sleeping. I shook my thoughts of going to the office. I went to the bathroom taking a bath.

After washing up, I looked at the clock. Wow its still early. 6:00 am
I decided to go to the cafeteria, I saw Jeongyeon and Sana there. They waved at me as I walked towards them.

"Good morning Y/n!!" Sana said cheerfully.
"Still sleepy?" Jeongyeon asked me.
"Half yes, half no." They chuckled at what I said.
"Why?" Sana asked munching her sandwich.
"I'm sleepy a little and I was born having sleepy eyes.." I said earning a laugh from the two of them.


We're now at the office nothing to do since life in emergency room is not that much.
Wait, Mina's not here. Meh, I don't care.

"Uhh...Nayeon! I'm just gonna go for fresh air." I said to my cousin.
"Sure cous!" I smiled and went to the garden behind the hospital. Its quite refreshing here to be honest.

Then, I saw a familiar figure sitting at a bench. I approached her.

"Shouldn't you be at the office Ms. Myoui?"
"Shouldn't you be at the office Dr. Choi?"

We both said, as we both looked away again.
"Uhh...why are you here?"
"Uhh why are you here?"

We bot said again. Damn this is getting awkward. I breathed out first before speaking.
"For fresh air Ms. Myoui."
"Same Dr. Choi"

I stood up and went to the river. Yes we're just beside Han river (a/n: imagine..) I picked a rock and threw it at the river.

It bounced for 3 times!

"Wow..that was amazing." Mina said, when I caught her she looked away blushing.

I kept doing that until she spoke.

"Dr. Choi, mind telling me about yourself?" She said shocking me.
"M-my parents...abandoned me at the age of 11..." I said, she looked sad and guilty.

"I'm sorry for asking that..." she said looking down, I smiled.
"Its fine Ms. Myoui.." I said smiling...
"Nayeon and Director Kim(Ceo) are the only familiy I have.." she smiled showing her gummy smile. Oh shit I think I just died. Give me the defilibrator.

"Nayeon is your cousin right? You guys have a resemblance. You guys are really cheerful tbh" she said as I smiled.
"Yeah, she's a really caring cousin..." I said smiling while looking down.

"How about you Ms. Myoui?"

"My dad was a doctor, but I wanted to do ballet and dance. But after he died, I think I needed to continue his dream." My eyes widen

"The Mr. Myoui?!?!?" I said as she looked at me, chuckling. I blushed.
"Yeah, you know him?" She said softly. Wait is she warming up to me?
"Yeah! Who wouldn't know him! He saved countless of lives." I said smiling.

She giggled and stood up.
"We need to go, maybe they're looking for us." She said as I stood up too.


Mina's POV:

"Aww...Minari is warming up to our Y/n!~" Sana said. I swear to godjihyo if she won't shut up i'll--

"Yeah, we saw you two talking and giggling at the garden" Nayeon said. We're at a restaurant. Y/n's still at the hospital since she can't leave because well, the Ceo said so.

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