Episode 12

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[EPISODE 12: Ms. Hyuna]

Y/n's POV:

I went to the emergency room as soon as I woked up. There, I saw Ms. Hyuna,Jennie and the others.

"Can I ask who saved the man yesterday?" Ms. Hyuna said, everybody looked at me. Mina raised her hand as well as mine.

"Are you the one who took charge here yesterday Ms. Myoui?" She shook her head, then everybody looked at me again.
I sighed and raised my hand.
"You broke the rules...you, shouldn't order the others around unless your a high ranker." Jennie said as Mina glared at her.
"I just want to save the man, who cares for high rankers. We have no other choice! He'll die if we didn't acted soon!" I said defending. I looked at her and saw her amazed.

Suddenly, she clapped while looking at me.

"That's a true doctor!! Now tell me..." Hyuna said getting closer to me. Until, Mina went beside me looking intensely at them.
"Oh, if it isn't Myoui Mina, the girl who followed his father's steps." Hyuna sunbaenim continued.
"Heh, that man died just because of a patient. Leaving his daughter and mother." She said sarcastically.
"That man is really a selfish person." Jennie continued.
"Don't talk to my father that way!!" Mina said tearing up."you don't know him..." she said looking down.

"Look at you, you don't even have the guts to be a docto--" I cutted Ms. Hyuna off.
"Ms. Hyuna, you're out of line. Please stop." I said blocking them to see Mina. Hyuna looked at me smirking while giggling.
"You know, why don't you come with us? Leave that stinky department. You're talents will come to use here." Jennie said.

I sighed looking down.

"No" I said sternly.
"W-what?" Jennie said taken a back.
"I said no, I won't go to your department." Jennie chuckled.
"Your talents will come to waste...come with us." Jennie pleaded.
"NO! I'll stay here. Remember when dad was choosing for my department? You didn't raised your hand there! Only Mina did! And I swear to be with her, don't call our department stinky its much more good than yours." I said, Jennie glared at me and Ms. Hyuna didn't look bothered.

3rd Person's POV:

Mina looked at Y/n in admiration, her heart starts to beat so fast. While her stomach flutters. She looked down while smiling.

Hyuna looked at Mina and Y/n,"such a waste..." she mumbled. She went closer to Mina and whispered at her ear.
"You got some luck Myoui.." she said and left. Jennie glared at the both of them and followed Hyuna.

Everybody looked at them in amazement.

"You alright?" Y/n asked Mina worriedly. She flinched but nodded shyly.
"Alright the shows over guys." Nayeon said shooing the others. Jimin glared at Y/n.
I should've protected her.

They went to the office as y/n escorted Mina to her bed.
"Take a rest Ms. Myoui..." she said going to leave but, Mina's hand stopped her.
"C-can you stay? P-please?" Mina said shyly..
Y/n smiled and sat beside Mina.
"Its fine...I'm here." Y/n said comforting Mina.
"Dad didn't die JUST because of a patient. He risked his life to save the patient." Mina said while leaning to y/n's shoulder.
"What? He died? How?" Y/n said confused.
"He got punished because of breaking one of the most important rule..." she said answering my question.
"And what is the rule?" Mina looked at me then looked down.

"Just what you did when you ordered everybody. Thats against the rule, the hospital was so strict and had no mercy..." Mina said looking at Y/n's eyes.
'W-wait, so before I almost died? And damn, what kind of hospital is that?!' Y/n thought.

"I was so worried about you when I heard you broke a rule." Mina said looking down blushing. 'She was worried about me?!'
"You're such a fool stepping infront to scold Hyuna sunbaenim." She said giggling slightly.
"She can kill you like my Dad was..." A tear left at Mina's eye.
'Kill me?!'

"Don't you ever do that you idiot..." she said softly.
"And...thank you.." she mumbled but Y/n heard it.
Then, Mina kissed y/n's cheek before tucking herself in y/n looked shocked but regain her soul back.
"Goodnight Mitang.." y/n said patting her shoulder. Mina flinched at the nickname. But smiled and blushed.
'I'm gonna kill you Sana' Mina thought. Until, her thoughts broke when she felt a warm kiss at her forehead.
"That's a revenge for kissing me always," she said giggling softly."you Myoui.." she said and chuckled.
Mina blushed again.
"I'll leave you here...goodnight Minari~" y/n said before going out of the room.
Mina got up holding her face who is now red as a tomato.
Mina looked outside and saw y/n being teased by some of her friends.

She smiled and held her forehead remembering what happened a minute ago.

??? POV:

"Y/n really wants to stay there"

"Yes, but that girl has potential. She even broke Mina's cold shell!"

"Stay and watch her Jennie alright?"

"Of course sunbaenim"

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