Episode 5

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[EPISODE 5: I like her]

Y/n's POV:

I woke up and realized I'm late. I quickly rushed to the bathroom then wore my robe.

Jeongyeon saw me and waved.
"Hey y/n!" She said waving infront of emergency room.
"Hey jeong.." I said, I'm a little down lately and I dunno why...

"Come on, patients are waiting for us!" She said and rushed to the door.


I suddenly remembered the dance. It was beautiful especially my partner. She smells so good like Mina-- wait... it may be her right?

Suddenly, Jungkook and Jin came with a patient at the bed.
"What happened?" I asked putting my stethoscope to his chest.
"There was blood oozing out of his stomach. But from the looks of it, he got shot." Jungkook said.
"Thanks jungkook...Tzuyu! Prepare the OR!!" I said as she nodded running as fast as she can.
"Jin, can you bring her there? Chaeyoung, please call the others!!" They nodded and did what I said.


Mina came with The others, "what happened?!" She said. "He got shot for multiple times, we need to operate his stomach." I said.
"Nayeon,Jihyo come with me. Y/n you too.." she said softly. I nodded and went to rhe cleaning room to wash our hands.

While washing my hands, she spoke.
"This will be you first operation..take the assistant okay?" She said looking at my eyes. I stood there frozen.

'Can she stop doing that? I'm gonna die here.' I thought.

"Y-yes Ms. Myou--"
"Mina...I told you to call me Mina."
"Y-yes Mina."
She nodded then smiled.

We went to the OR with our surgical suits. "Jihyo, vitals?" I asked.
"95 to 100..." We nodded and went to positions.

"Choi Y/n this is your first operation.. we're watching you." I looked up and saw Hyuna sunbaenim with CEO and the others.

I nodded.I sliced his stomach blood escaping.
"Suction.." Mina said. We opened his stomach. D-damn its more than we thought. And some are on the sensitive parts.
"Forceps" we both said as we reached out the bullets.

"Mina! His vitals are dropping!!" I widen my eyes at what Jihyo said. I quickly put a serious face on.

"Forceps!" I said as Mina looked at me confusingly.
"Mina, we need to remove the bullets at the sensitive area, hurry hurry! Or he'll die!" I said as we removed the bullets carefully. Everybody looked at us, tensed.

Nayeon wiped my sweat as I smiled and thanked her.
The last bullet is between the liver and stomach.
This will be hard...

"Mina! Lift the liver a little, if you lift it too much the bullet will go through!" She nodded, I'm fine if she'll scold me for ordering her but all we need is to save the patient.

I put my forceps to the bullet, as I carefully removed it.

It was a success!!

"Jeongyeon, Nayeon you guys can finish it up here.." Mina said as the nodded.

I went at the washing area leaving Mina then washed my hands. I was tensed.

"You were great back there Y/n." I looked up and saw Hyuna with the Ceo. I bowed as a sign of respect.

Then, Mina washed her hands. She went beside me after Ms. Hyuna complimented me. She punched my shoulder playfully.

"You two look good to be partners.." then she mumbled something. More like...

'But you two look good to be a couple'

Then, she nudged the CEO. I saw Mina blushed maybe she heard it.


"Damn y/n!! You were so great back there!!" Sana said shaking my body by her excitement.
"Yeah, Ms. Hyuna even complimented you!" Jeongyeon said.

We're at the cafeteria because I'm so hungry!!! Mina, who is beside my was eating peacefully. I saw Momo gulp all of her food. Jihyo, being a mother scolds Sana. While Jeongyeon and Nayeon were flirting. And Dubchaeng, who's busy of chatting. And tzuyu? Just stared at her unnies in chaos.

Damn, whats with these girls? I felt Mina tugged my robe and looked at her. Whats with the puppy eyes?! You're killing me Myoui Mina.
"Don't mind them, just eat Mina." I said as she nodded cutely. I saw Nayeon unnie smirking at me, I glared at her which made her smirk go wider.


After the chaotic eating with them, I went to our office and slumped back to my seat. Damn, that was tiring. I was about to go to our quarters, when I saw Mina sleeping. Yeah, she went here first before me. Because they were so noisy!

I looked at her table. Its full of papers. She's a busy girl huh? Well, of course she's the head of Surgical department what do you expect?

I put my finger to my chin thinking.

If i'll bring her to the quarters, she'll wake up because she's a light sleeper! She may smack my head and yell that I'm a pervert.

So I grabbed a blanket and covered her while she was sleeping her arms at the table. I took a closer look from her.

She has so many moles on her face. Her eyelashes,her perfect nose. And lastly her lips. Damn, it looks so kissable...

Wait, control your hormones Choi Y/n!!

I sighed and went to my bed and slept....


Mina's POV:

I woke up at my desk. Wait, a cloth? Who covered me with this? I went to the quarters but saw no one.

I shrugged it off and went back to work.
"Hey Mina! Here's a coffee!!" Sana said.
"Sana its so early in the morning and your yelling?!"
"Well, you are too..." I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n said that you looked tired last nigh--Omo! Thats so many papers to do!" She said as she put the coffee at my table. So y/n did it huh? I smiled a little knowing she did it.

"Mina? Whats with the--" then she smirked knowing who I'm thinking about.
"What's with Y/n that made you smile? Its rare for our Minari to smile. And why did you warned up to her hmm?" She said teasingly.
"I fucking Like her okay?" Sana formed and "o" with her mouth while covering it with her hand.

Wow so fucking straight forward Mina..

"Good morni-- whats with the long faces?"

Then, Sana squealed and jumped up and down.
"Jeongyeon!! She likes y/n!!!" Sana said happily then, Jeongyeon smirked.


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