Episode 26

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[EPISODE 26: Epilouge]

Y/n's POV:

2 years have passed and this is the peaceful day in my whole life.....


.....maybe not

I heard my older sister rant me about this over and over again since yesterday while I can't even see her at this pile of papers infront of me right now.

"I'll do it later, I still have plenty of time to do it!!"
I ranted back to Hyuna unnie. She just puffed her cheeks while crossing her arms. As we both started a staring contest.

She sighed before nodding like she's forced to approve me. I smirked at her then left my office.


While walking, some doctors at the corridor will bow or greet me. Its a bit irritating to be honest.

"YAH! GET BACK TO WORK YOU TOO!!" I heard Seulgi yell to Tzuyu and Lisa who is eating bulgogi and bibimbap..
"Damn...is her throat still fine? She's been yelling at us for 30 minutes." I heard Lisa whisper to Tzuyu with her mouth full of bulgogi.
"Hello my dear nurses, how are you guys?" I butted to their chaotic conversation.

Lisa looked at me with wide eyes before bowing, the two joined with a shock look at their faces.

"Guys...cut it out" I softly said.

"Oh how are we? Well, thank you to Ms. Head of Nurse here yelling at us PEACEFULLY while we are eating." Tzuyu sarcastically said taking a spoon of bibimbap.
"Uhh...should we check her throat?" Lisa asked at the both of us.

"Hello? I'm still you know!"


I went to the Surgical office to check on the others. I peeked in first before seeing Nayeon and Momo bickering, Jeongyeon and Sana laughing at something, DubChaeng eating, while Jihyo just facepalmed at them.

Oh how I missed this...I unconsciously smiled before clearing my throat. Eventually, their attention landed at me. They looked at me shocked then bowed.

"Hello doctors, do you guys have a wonderful day?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.
"Y-yes, Director Y/n" I heard Dahyun nervously replied. I giggled a little because They're so cute!

"Guys...drop the formalities, you know I'm still your friend right?" I said as they engulfed me in a hug.

Actually, they really didn't see me that much because I was really busy at my office signing papers that is nonsense. Well to me tho.

"Y/N!!" Nayeon and Sana yellee before engulfing me for a hug.
"I....c-can't.....breathe!" I said struggling from their hug.
"We missed you so much!" Sana stated after pulling away.
"You didn't missed your beautiful cousin?" Nayeon said while pouting. I giggled at their actions then patted their head.

"Of course I missed you too guys!" I said looking at everybody.

"Oh by the way Y/n. I heard that Somi will go home to visit her grandmother." Jihyo reminded then handed me Somi's letter.

"I see....but we need to replace her somehow before she goes back here." I said rubbing my chin thinking.
"Ah! A hospital in the US gave us a solution about that!" Chaeyoung cheerfully said.
"They will send a doctor to replace Somi somehow, glad we called them by the way" Jeongyeon said putting both of her hands on Dahyun and Chaeyoung's shoulder.


"Well, Chaeyoung...you're actually small already"


I giggled as they continue to tease Chaeyoung and Dahyun. Suddenly, Jihyo went beside me smiling at them like a proud mother.

"So, how's with you and Mina?"she said trying to make a conversation. I smiled a little when she mentioned Mina's name. I reallt miss her!!
"We're fine, she would always call me everyday. But yesterday she didn't..." I said sadly. Jihyo just comforted me drawing circles at my back.

"Maybe...she's busy?" She unsurely said. I just shrugged at her. But Mina would always call me even if she's busy!


"Hey lil' sis, the replacement doctor for Somi is said to arrive in 5 minutes" Hyuna unnie said. I just nodded before fixing my self as she left.

I've been wondering, who is this replacement doctor? I asked Seulgi to give some of her infos but she said she doesn't have any.

"Director Min, The Doctor is here. She wants to meet you first" I heard Jimin behind the door. After I became a CEO, I appointed Jimin as my bodyguard. But, he can still be a doctor.
"Let her in.." a girl huh? I thought it was a boy?

The girl went in hunging her head low. She seems to be shy which reminded me of someone.

"H-hello My name is Sharon please take care of me!" Said by a familiar voice making me to look up at her with wide eyes. Don't tell me...

"M-mina?" I asked nervously. She flincher then slowly lifted her head meeting me with her eyes tears escaping. I stood up quickly before holding her cheeks for a kiss.

"W-wha-- I can't believe it, you're back Minguin!" I said after pulling away. She smiled at me making me to see her gums which made me fall inlove again. How, I missed this..
"Well, the CEO if the hospital I signed up for received a call for a replacement in Korea so here I am!" She cheerfully said before engulfing me for a hug.

'I missed you...' she softly said at my ear before I tightened the hug..

"I love you my penguin~"

"I love you too Y/n~"

I'm very very sorry if this last chapter is uhh lame..

Sorry for  the mistakes, maybe..i'll update again in June 1 for the new book.

I'll rest for a little, I'm sorry guys...

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