Episode 25

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[EPISODE 25: New Friends]

Y/n's POV:

"Hyuna unnie...spill the tea.." I said looking serious. Oh, today's Mina's flight to states. Sadly, I can't go with her so the others went with her without me.

"You know...Mina's dad right?" She nervously said. Well, I forgive Hyuna unnie...just a little tho.
"M-Mr. Myoui?!" I exclaimed...don't tell me his alive?!
"Mr. Myoui....is still alive. But, he's been captured by Kuk-hwan's bodyguards..." I widen my eyes after she said that Mina's dad is alive!

"Where is he?"

"At the woods...there's a house there at where they kept him..." she explained.

"I'll bring him back.."


I arrived at the forest, the sun's still shining which is great. I brought some emergency tools incase if he got some wounds.

I saw a house made of wood, looks like this is what unnie is talking about.

When I opened the door carefully,nobody's here just darkness. I roamed around but I didn't see Mr. Myoui.

"Aishh...was she just joking around?!" I asked angrily. I leaned to the wall thinking what should I do now I know that Hyuna unnie is lying.

While thinking, I heard a click sound and became cautious. Looking around, I inspected the wall I leaned in. I pushed it, and it was a button all along!

The living room suddenly opened with stairs going down. Is this some kind of...basement? Or a secret hideout?

I went downstairs, after the last step. There came a big metal door with rusts at both sides. I opened it but it needs strength enough. So I backed a away for 10 steps, and ran as fast as I can to push this old metal door out of the way.

I succeeded but my shoulder hurts. I looked around at this...torture room. Knifes,guns and some bloods are everywhere. Then, at the corner of the room. There's a man with his head low while his hands and feet are tied up.

I crouched at his level and checked his vitals.

'Weak..' I thought. Immediately grabbing my emergency kit and applying some first aid...

While treating him, his head suddenly rose up looking really weak.

"Y-you must be...Y-y/n right?" He uttered shivering from the cold.
"I am sir...but we need to get you out of here and get you to a nearby hospital to treat your wounds" I seriously said.


I looked at Mr. Myoui outside of his room while nurses are treating him.

"You found him alive..." Jihyo suddenly bursted at my side holding a textbook at her chest. I looked at her with my arms at the back then looked at Mr. Myoui again.

"Well, thank Ms. Hyuna.." I said hesitantly.
"She's still your sister...can you forgive her?" Jihyo asked. I sighed and looked at her.

"I'll try..." I said walking to our office.

"Y/n!!!" Nayeon called me, running at me with her arms wide open for a hug.
"What?" I asked as she hugged me tightly. She pulled away with pouting lips.
"You're not gonna congratulate me after Mina appointed me as the Head of surgical department?!" She asked while her arms crossed. When she mentioned Mina, my mood suddenly dropped. I missed her so much. Well, its her dream to be a ballerina right? But got stopped by her father who wanted her to be a doctor.

"Why would I?!"

"Because I'm your cousin!"

"Cousin? More like a grandma.."

I teased as she glared at me while pouting. I laughed at her face as she slapped my shoulder playfully.

"Uhh...Y/n?" Said by a familiar voice outside the room.
"Yes Jimin? Do you need something?" I asked politely. He went inside his head hung low.
"I-i'm very sorry!!" He bursted out while bowing. Me and Nayeon looked at each other confused.
"I'm so sorry for everything i've done to you...I was just...--"

"Jealous? You envy me right?" I cutted him off, since at his face back then I can clearly see his jealous.
"Y-yes...that's why, Kuk-hwan wanted me to frame you but I didn't.." he sincerely said with his head low. I smiled then gave him a bro hug..

"Its fine...I understand okay?" I said while patting his back.

He smiled as he bowed again before leaving...

So sorry guys for mistakes!

By the way, ending is nearrr~

P.S. have you guys heard the new song of Day6? Its Zombie. Give it a try and listen to it especially the english version! Its freaking lit!!

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