Episode 15

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[EPISODE 15: I admit it]

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n-ah! Can you get me a sandwich?" Nayeon unnie said.
"Fine!" I said rushing to the canteen. Whats with people ordering me?!

I went to the canteen and ordered a sandwich. Suddenly, I saw Itzy and waved at them.

"Hey y/n!!" Yuna said tackling me with a hug.
"Hello to you too Yuna" I said giggling as she got off me.
"How are you with Mina?" Lia said, while the others giggled.
"Aigoo...you guys are still kids!" I said earning a glare from each of them.
"But you two really look like a couple." Yeji said sipping her juice.
"When you guys will get married, invite us okay?" Chaeryoung said as they all laughed.
"But...really, confess to her!!" Ryujin said nudging my arm.


I went back to our office and gave Nayeon unnie her sandwich.

"Thanks Y/n-ah!!" She said giggling happily.

I looked at Mina's office, strange she's not there.

I decided to go to the emergency room. But, only Seulgi, Tzuyu and Lisa is here. Where are the others?!

"Hey Tzuyu! Do you know where the others are?" I said.
"More like where is Mina I miss her" I heard Seulgi as she and Lisa laughed.
"I don't know unnie...maybe ask Jihyo unnie?" She said as I nodded and thanked them.
"Btw, Seulgi! I'll tell Irene unnie you like her!!"

"You bra--"



I saw Jihyo at the nurse counter,"hey Jihyo!" I said cheerfully.
"Omo, Y/n." She said shocked.
"Can I have a patient? I'm bored..." I said.
"We don't have any patients today." She said while looking at a list.
"Oh...Btw, did you see Mina?" I said, she shook her head.
"I don't know..." I sighed and thanked her atleast..

I went at the rooftop, since I don't have anything to do...

I admired the view, it's so beautiful.

"Oh, not as beautiful as me?"

"You're beautiful.." wait...WHAT?!?!

I turned my head and saw Mina giggling.

I looked down blushing.

She giggled again as I looked up.
"I heard you were looking for me, Jihyo told me." She said looking straight at me. I gulped at how beautiful she is, the light refected at her face making her prettier.

"Y-yes.." damn  whats with the stutter?!

"You look nervous for some reason, what is it?" She said holding my cheeks and forehead.

"U-uhh its nothing!" I said nervously as she chuckled softly.
"You're so cute when you're shy and nervous. It makes me to fall more." She said looking down while smiling.

'What, makes her fall more to me? What does that mean?'

Suddenly, Jeongyeon bursted to the door.

"Hey lovebirds, we have a patient at the ER. Stop that lovey dovey doing you guys lets go!" She said smirking at Mina as she blushed.

'Way to ruin my time, by Yoo Jeongyeon'

Mina looked at me and sighed before rushing to the ER. For the first time in my life, I'm confused and felt like a fool. I shrugged it off and went to the ER.


After the tirelessly helping the patients out, I went to our office and slumped at my chair.

"Hey, you know somebody here is angry because I ruined their lovey dovey scene?" I heard Jeongyeon and playfully rolled my eyes at her.
"Ooh~ tell me about it" Sana said smirking.
"Yah! Tell it to me too!!" I heard Nayeon as I facepalmed. Is she even my cousin?

Jeongyeon told them what happened as they laughed while I rolled my eyes again.

"Didn't know you have a girlfriend cous!" Nayeon said while back hugging me at the chair her arms at my neck.

"Wahh, you and Mina are a thing now?" Sana said while looking at Mina's office.
"We're not!!"

"Ooh~ then what happened when Mina admitted to Jenni--no everybody that your her girlfriend?"

"She was jus--"

"Aww...admit it cous~"


"When did you guys became a thing?"

"Guys! Shut up!! Fine I like her okay?! But we're not a thing!" I snapped, they looked at me in disbelief. While Sana and Jeongyeon looked at each other smirking. Then, I saw the others at the door surprised at my sudden outburst.

I mentally facepalmed, 'oh god..'

Then, I saw Mina at her door looking at me with a shocked face but she has a tint of pink at cheeks.

'Is this gonna get worse?!'

I chuckled neevously, "u-uhh hehe..Oh look, Seulgi calls me I gotta go bye!" I said faking the calling thing with Seulgi.

When I'm far away, I leaned to a wall facepalming.

Mina's POV:

I heard the others teasing y/n again. I went outside to stop them but uhh...

"Guys shut up! Fine i like her okay?! But we're not a thing!" I stood frozen when Y/n said she likes me, I looked at her then I saw Sana and jeongyeon smirking at each other. Sana averted her eyes at me.

Then, Y/n looked at me too and chuckled nervously.

"U-uhh heheh...Oh Seulgi's calling me I gotta go!" She said rushing outside.

Then, everybody looked at me smirking.

"Don't you even think about teasing me guys." I said with my both of my hands at the air.

"So you two were confessing at the rooftop earlier?" Jeongyeon said.
"We're not!" I said glaring at her.
'Well, I was about to..but you ruined it Jeongyeon' i thought.
"Ooh~ is that why you have a bad mood just an hour ago?" Nayeon said.
"Yeah, she was like angry at everything we do" Tzuyu said rolling her eyes.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me Chou!" I said.
"Its true tho Mina" Jihyo said stepping forward.

"Aishh...just shut up you guys"

"How about, you go to y/n and tell her that you like her too" Sana said, munching some of Momo's chips.
I went silent, blacking out at what Sana said. Well, yeah I admit I like her too but, I'm afraid that its not true because who knows maybe she used it to get away to their teasing.

Or, we will have this awkward atmosphere if she rejects me.

"Hello Mina?"

Or worse, she might avoid me. I feel like a crazy person thinking about this.

"MINA!!" I heard Sana yell at me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"W-wha-- Oh Sana." I said.
"I've been calling you for a while now." She said annoyed.
"Gomen~" I said smiling at her.

"Ms. Myoui? You're needed at the ER" I turned my head and saw Umji at the door. She's a nurse here just like her group Gfriend.
I nodded and dismissed her.
"Alright, lets go guys." I said to my members.
"C'mon, lets go to your princess charming" Jeongyeon said. I smacked her head snd smiled secretly.

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