Episode 6

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[EPISODE 6: After Moon]

Y/n's POV:

Another day for work, I went to the emergency room and saw Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.
"Hey Jeong, Tzu!!" I yelled. They saw me and waved.

"Oh Hey y/n!" Jeongyeon said while Tzuyu smiled at me.
Then, Jeongyeon smirked while looking at Mina.


I looked at her confusingly.
"Whats with the smirk Jeong?" I told her. She just shrugged while smiling.

Then, we heard a ambulance outside.

We went there immediately.
"What happened Taehyung?!" I said.
"He fell to a 10th floor building! He's been holding on for a few minutes. He may die soon!!" He said as they set him up to the bed.

"Dahyun!! Call the others hurry!!" She nodded and ran.
"Jeong, Tzu helped me out here!!" They nodded as Tzuyu got an IV, Jeong helped me to cover his wounds.

Suddenly, a beeped was heard..

It was a flat line..

"TZUYU!! THE DEFILIBRATOR!!!" She nodded and gave me it.

"150! Clear!!" His chest jumped up but it was still a flat line.
Then I pumped his chest. 'Please..you have to live.'
"200!! Clear!!" Then.....he was breathing....thank god.

"T-tzu, Jeong...can you guys take from here?" They nodded.
"I'm sure you were nervous. Go on..." Jeongyeon said while patting my shoulder.

Dahyun came back with the others.

"Where's the patient?!" Jihyo said looking around.
"He's saved.." I said looking down.
"I'm gonna go for a fresh air.." I said and left, Mina was staring at me worried.

Mina's POV:

Whats with her attitude? I shrugged it off and saw Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.
"Omo! Mina, you guys were too late. Good thing y/n revived him."  Jeongyeon said looking at the man unconscious.
"R-revived? You mean..." she saved him?
"Yeah, she revived him. She looked nervous for some reason..." Tzuyu said while checking his vitals.

"Of course, she will feel nervous and shocked since a patient almost died." Jihyo said.
"I'm gonna go." I was about to go when Nayeon held my hand.
"To y/n right?" I nodded then she let go smiling..
"Unnie, where is Mina going?" I heard Momo said to Nayeon.
"To someone.." she said then winked.


I found her at the garden at the back of the hospital. She was throwing rocks making me smile while catching my breath.

I approached her carefully and sat beside her.

I can feek my heart bursting out of my chest as I sat beside her.

"Hey...you alright?" I said softly.
"Yeah...just shocked and nervous.." she said softly too making my stomach flutter.
"You did great on reviving the man Dr. Choi." I said staring at her.
"But...I felt scared,nervous and shocked that--i'm scared if he..d-died.." I shushed her.
"Hey...he's alright you saved him.." I said while drawing circles at her back calming her down.

It was dark the moon was shining so bright. I put my head to her shoulder getting comfortable at her prescence.

"Its beautiful right?" I said referring to the moon and stars shining at the sky.
She nodded.

"Mina? Thank you for calming me down.." I hummed as an answer.. suddenly, she started singing..

Like the sun and moon in the sky
Although we can’t meet, like them
You and I you and I you and I
Don’t forget that we’ll be together
After dark
If you look at the sky
Like that moon in the daytime
You and I you and I you and I
I will always be by your side

I smiled after she finished the song. It was just the chorus tho but it was beautiful...

"I really like that song...I would always play it before sleeping." (A/n: same)She said as she looked at the sky.

I nodded and smiled.
"Come on..its dark now.." she stood up and offered her hand to me. I gladly took it and stood up.

We arrived at our quarters, Y/n went in first because she was tired. The others looked at my teasingly as I glared at them.

"Myoui Mina the head of surgical department has a crush on Dr. Choi y--" I put my hand to her mouth then glared at Sana.
Jihyo and the others laughed at us.


"Sana thats mine!!"
"No Momo this is mine!!"
"I bought this chocolate before so this is mine!!"

Sana and Momo is bickering again..Then, I saw Tzuyu just staring at Samo. I facepalmed and went to the quarters and saw a sleeping Y/n.

"I really like that song...I would always play it before sleeping."

I remembered what she said and sat beside her while stroking her hair gently..

The memory that was pounding my heart is now gone
My memories are like the moon
They make me smile
My heart goes tok tok tok
Knocking knock knock
If you’re listening to this song

Like the sun and moon in the sky
Although we can’t meet, like them
You and I you and I you and I
Don’t forget that we’ll be together
After dark
If you look at the sky
Like that moon in the daytime
You and I you and I you and I
I will always be by your side

I sang softly while stroking her hair. I saw her smile after I finished the song...


Y/n's POV:

I woke up with the best day of my life. I dunno why but I feel hype today!!

I was about to go out when I saw Ms. Hyuna and dad talking to Twice. And an unfamiliar girl?
"Oh, Dr. Choi. Please to meet Kim Jennie, the new member of surgical department" Dad said as he smiled. I looked at Jennie and saw an evil smirk for a second then turned to a friendly one.

'This is gonna be trouble..' I thought as I looked at the others and saw them looking at me with and angry and worried expression.

??? POV:

'Choi Y/n..' I thought and smirked at her..
'You're going down..'

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