Episode 11

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[EPISODE 11: Wishing]

Y/n's POV:

I woke up and saw Sana unconscious at the floor.

Jeez...what the hell happened to her?!

I brought Sana to her bed and went to the emergency room. There, I saw the others chatting.
"Hey dude!!" Jeongyeon yelled waving her hands.
"Yo~" Chaeyoung and Dahyun said as they smiled at me. Aww....these cuties.
I fistbumped Jeongyeon and saw Lisa,Seulgi and Jisoo at the nurse counter. Tzuyu is there too but her back is facing me.
"Yo Dr. Choi!" Lisa greeted me. Jisoo smiled.
"How are you guys? I heard Jennie's not with you guys anymore." I said,from the corner of my eye I saw Mina glare. Jisoo nodded.
"Actually, she's now working with Ms. Hyuna." Seulgi said before placing a syringe infront of me.

"Now get your shit now and served this to the patient." Seulgi said.
Damn,why is she scary? She looks like a cuddly bear and she's like a lion inside?!

Seulgi glared at me before I dashed to the patients room. I heard her laugh as I let out a sigh.


I arrived and saw its infos, she has bronchitis huh?

Then, I heard her cough. I went beside her and took my stethoscope out and put it at her chest.
"You still need to take your medicines, its getting better. Okay?" I said and smiled at the girl. She nodded cheerfully as I strucked the syringe at a tube. I saw her flinch. "Does it hurt?" I asked. She nodded,"don't worry, this will be fast!" I said as she closed eyes. Its done!!

"Wah! You kids are so courageous~ here's a candy as a reward. Don't eat much okay?" I said handing the candies. She looked happy. I bowed and left her room.


"There Seulgi unnie, its done." I said handing the tray. She smiled and went to Tzuyu.

I sighed in relief, we don't have any latients who is severe and thats a good thing. But, why are they always giving me patients that are kids??

I went to the cafeteria and bought an apple. I saw doctors rushing, I confusedly followed them. I don't know if its a patient or something happening. Oh, its a patient wait...a kid?!

He's bleeding so much. Is that...a pole strucked at his stomach?!

The other doctors looked in horror, so I went to help.
"Somi, his status?!" I said putting my stethoscope to his chest.
"89 to 90" she said, shit this might be hard
"Other doctors! Ready a saw to cut the pole! The others can you ready the OR?" Jimin said.
"The OR isn't ready right now, there's somebody being operated with a tube at his chest." Rosé said.
"C-can we operate here?! Even tho its dangerous we need to or he will die!" I said standing up.
"But..its prohibited! Its dangerous!" Jimin said glaring at me.
"We need to, he's in danger! He will die if we won't act now!" I said to Jimin as he looked down, everybody did too.

"Uhh...guys you better hurry, his vitals are dropping!" Lisa said while looking at the monitor.
I heard Jimin curse, "fine! But you'll take the responsibility of this!" I nodded.
"Tzuyu can you give us materials? Irene give him anesthesia. Boys, get some saw! We need to cut the pole to get short." I said as they nodded.

"Girls, help me cover his wounds. Other boys, lift the tube a little because if that will slip blood will ooze out and he will die!" They all nodded and did as I ordered. I don't care if they'll scold me later I just want to save this man.

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