Episode 20

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[EPISODE 20: The past]

Some of this chap is filled with Y/n's past.

Italic - flashbacks

Y/n's POV:

I sat at my chair, I can't believe dad's so pathetic! Why would he just give the hospital to somebody that....looks suspicious?!

I sighed, looking at the portrait of me, My parents and my older sister. But, half of my sisters face is torn. Nayeon,Mina and Jihyo went in. Mina was the first to notice me looking at the portrait. I heard my cousin sigh and went beside me.

"You're looking at it...again." she sadly said. I looked at her as she hugged me. Mina and Jihyo looked confused as I bid goodnight and went to the quarters to rest.

3rd Person's POV:

Mina looked at Nayeon confused.

"Nayeon, what was that all about?" Jihyo asked. Nayeon looked at them, picking up the portrait of Y/n's family.
The two looked at Nayeon still confused. She sighed and sat at Y/n's table, ready to tell Y/n's past...


Y/n's family doesn't care about her. They only care about her sister who is beautiful,smart and she graduated college. While y/n? She stayed at home because of her sickness.

Her mother gave birth to her normally.  But as time passed by, y/n's always getting sick. So they consulted her at a doctor and they found a tumor at her brain.

Her mother was devastated, crying all night with her father comforting her.

Until one day, her mother started smoking, drinking alcohol and became a drug addict. Her father tried stopping his wife to do this things but failed. So, since his wife doesn't have a care about the world. He slept with many girls and started going to bars and gang fights.

While her older sister would take care of Y/n, even tho her mother always beat them up. She would shield y/n to protect her from their mother.

One day, when y/n's older sister's on a work. She got into and accident and died. Y/n's just a 10 years old when she experienced beatings from her parents. She eats leftovers by her parents and sleeps with red eyes.

When her mother lost her patience, she threw y/n out of the house. Her mother threw their family portrait shattering it to pieces. She went on rampage while the neighbors tried to stop her but didn't succeed. Her father wasn't there too...

Y/n walked and slept at streets nothing to eat. She would just pick something fromt the garbage and eat it...

While walking to nowhere, she saw a vet. A doctor was there aiding the animals. He noticed a latter watching her and smiled taking her in...

He teached her how to read,write and count. Until, she saw her reading one of his books about human body. He got amazed at how she memorized them quickly..as in all of it.



He stood amazed because of her good pronounciation. He smiled and teached y/n about anatomy.

One day, the doctor has to operate a rabbit but...its dead.

"Where does dead things go?" Little y/n asked at the doctor. He smiled and crouched at her level.
"In heaven. They die and go there.." he said pointing at the sky.
"Then, I want to be like you to save them so they won't die and go there!!" She said innocently while cheering. The man smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Then...you'll be a great doctor. And maybe one day, you'll have your own hospital!" The man said smiling while little y/n jumped up and down.

She managed to graduate college. She doesn't even remember her sisters face nor remember what happened to her with her parents. But she still held the portrait that's shattered to pieces.

She put it all together and put it to a new portrait. But, half of her sister's face is only seen. Since that day, she kept it until today.


After Nayeon's story telling about y/n's story. Mina looked at y/n sleeping at the bed peacefully. She can't believe that this sweet girl has that kind of past.

Nayeon knows Y/n's story since she would go to their house always and saw y/n with bruises eversince they were a kid. She would treat them and the both of them will cuddle to sleep.

Nayeon didn't saw Mina, as she only saw her hugging her cousin while tearing up. Jihyo look pitiful at y/n. She can't believe that this cheerful girl had that abusive past...she felt sorry for the latter.

??? POV:

My sister.....where are you?

Who do you guys think on the person at the last?
Comment down on who it is!!


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