Episode 7

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[EPISODE 7:Jealous?]

Y/n's POV:

I saw how Jennie was staring at me. While Mina and the others were looking at me worriedly.

"I'll be leaving Jennie in your care Ms. Myoui" Ms. Hyuna said. I looked at her as she hesitantly nodded. Hyuna smiled and left the room.

"Hi you must be y/n!" Wait, now I can remember her. She's the girl who opposed of me being a doctor!
"Hello?" I said hesitantly.
"Uhh can i as--" Mina cutted her off. Since she was clinging onto my arm!!
"Can you please get your hands of her?" She said coldly, but hot.

Jennie chuckled and whispered something at Mina.
I only heard the rivals.
What did she mean by that?
After she said it, Mina glared for a second at Jennie. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu looked at me smirking. Did they heard?

Then the both of them glared at each other as the atmosphere tensed.
Why the fuck are they doing that?!

"Umm..l-lets go at the canteen..Yes! At the canteen!" Nayeon said. Nervous at the two.
The two glared at Nayeon as she whimpered.

The others looked at me as I sighed.


The two was still glaring at each other. I was eating my sandwich until I choke.

"Y/n here's your water!!" They both said, Jihyo and the others looked at the two. I looked back and forth at them until Jeongyeon offered me a water which I took it. The two glared at each other again before eating.

I looked at Jihyo as she shrugged. The others were awkwardly eating. We were quiet, as in really quiet. It was awkward okay?

I sighed and stood up going to the emergency room.


I arrived and saw Jimin and jungkook. I breathed out since I felt tensed.

"Oh! Y/n!!" Jungkook yelled. I waved back as Jimin was still glaring at me. Why does he always glare at me?!

I shrugged it off. I went to the nurse counter seeing Seulrene and Somi. Somi is a nurse like Jihyo and the maknaes. Seulrene gives medicine since some of red velvet are at the medicine dept. Wendy,Joy, and Yeri are a Podiacrists.

"Somi? Do we have a patient?" She nodded and looked through her papers were patients are.

"At room 132, it seems that her sickness worsen." I widen my eyes.
"What is her sickness?!"
"Stomaches and fever. She had fever this morning." As she said that, I quickly rushed to her room. I saw Jihyo and the others on the way.
"Dahyun, Chaeyoung come with me!!" They nodded as we continued running.
We went to the stairs since we don't have time. And its just on the 2nd floor.

We went to the nurse station there and saw Lisa and Jisoo.
"Lisa! How's the patient atroom 132?" I asked panting.
"She turned pale this morning. She kept vomiting and has stomaches too." I clenched my fists..

"Jisoo can you call for Gastoenterologists?! We need to operate on that patient. If we don't her acid we'll eat her other organs." She nodded and called Mamamoo.

"Y/n they'll be here any minute no--"

"Oh You must me y/n right?" Wheein said.
"Yes I am, but you guys need to look through the patient at room 132." They nodded.
"We'll look for it-- Yah! Solar and Moonbyul quit flirting!!!" Hwasa said. I giggled.

Dahyun tugged my robe,"what should we do?"
"Solar? We're gonna ready the OR." They nodded and rushed at the room.
"Dahyun can you ready the OR?"
Chaeyoung, please call the others for operating." They nodded and saluted. I giggled and went to the room

"Y/n.. she has  Crohn's disease"(a/n: just imagine.)
Moonbyul said. I nodded.


We have a briefing today since this is the first time we encountered this sickness. Mina, who is infront started explaining the plan. It was hard.

"The chance for this operation is just 22%" Mina said as we looked down.
Jennie was still clinging onto me making Mina glare.

Oh god.....

Jeongyeon,Sana,Momo and Nayeon are looking back and forth at the two. Well, technically Momo is eating.

I sighed.


Dubchaeng prepared the OR. Mina,Jennie and I are gonna do the surgery. Dahyun and Chaeyoung are gonna assist us. Jihyo is the one at the vitals.

We were washing our hands when Mina and Jennie glared at each other. I mentally facepalmed.

We went to positions. Good thing, the two is focused at the surgery not glaring.

"Lets start!" Mina said.

A few minutes later....(a/n: authornim being lazy)

We finished the operation successfully. After the surgery, the two glared again as I chuckled. They went red that time.

After washing hands, I went to the mother as she stood up nervous. I smiled,
"She's alright Miss...just make eat fiber okay?" I said as she nodded.
"T-thank you doctor!!" She said and bowed multiple times.
"Don't bow Miss, it was our duty. She's at the room. We'll send a nurse to check her up." I said and bowed a little then left.


I slumped at my table tired,since Mina was insisting me to work hard.
"Looks like somebody's jealous.." Sana said.
"What?" I said confused.
"Nothing!" She said and giggled.
"Looks like she made you work hard to the bone." Jeongyeon said as I looked at Mina's office. She was typing to her computer.
"Yeah, I assure that." I said.
"But, Mina and Jennie were glaring nonstop!!" Nayeon said.
"Yeah, it was tensed." I said earning a laugh from them.

"Choi y/n at my office!" She yelled from her office. I gulped and looked at them.
They said and giggled after. I glared at them making their laughs go louder.

Oh shit....


I went out of her office groggily. Nayeon laughed at me while the others stiffled their laughs. I glared at them.

"How's heaven?" Sana asked.
"Heaven? More like hell..." I said slumping at my bed. Yes were at the quarters now.
They laughed.
"That's how scary Mina is when jealous.." Jeongyeon mumbled and laughed with Sana.

This dorks...

Sorry for updating late! I was lazy and tired.. anyways, hope you enjoyed this chap sorry if there are mistakes!

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