Chapter 1

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Deku's POV

"If you really want to be a hero that badly, there might actually be another way, pray that you'll have a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building while you're at it" Bakugo laughed with his goons and walked away.
"Maybe I will... Katsuki" I muttered as I stood up and stumbled out the class looking at the stairs to the roof before remembering that "my father" was home early and I had to make him dinner "shit" I mumbled under my breath and ran as fast as I could to the place I called "home".


When I opened the door I was met with a whiskey bottle being smashed on my head. My head was bleeding and the strong liquid burned my new wound. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LATE AND WHY IS DINNER NOT READY!" My "father" yelled slightly slurring his words so it was obvious he was drunk "s-sorry s-s-sir" i whimpered. "GET TO WORK YOU USELESS PEICE OF SHIT" "y-yes sir" and as soon as I said that I ran into the kitchen and started making dinner.

End of trigger warning

Twenty minutes later I had finished, so I plated the dish, put it on the table and informed my father of the meal then I ran up to my room and leaned against the door crying. I cried for so long that my eyes were and irritated red and it was dark outside when I stopped. I quickly did my homework and went to have a shower, while stripping I looked in the mirror. I looked disgusting. You could see all of my ribs and the bruises, scars and burns don't help much.


I look down to the drawer where I kept my razors. I slowly reached for the drawer and took a razor and started to cut..
This carried on until I had black spots in my vision and sixteen deep cuts on my arms. I felt satisfied for now.

End of self harm

I hopped into the shower and cleaned all the cuts. When I got out I wrapped my arms in bandages, got dressed and went back to my room to sleep because I still, unfortunately, had school tomorrow.

Third POV

You see when Izuku was a little boy his mother got killed by a villain in front of his eyes. He just observed as his mothers blood dropped off the blade and the puddle underneath her grew bigger. Her last words to him were "Grow up with a smile on your face and make other people smile" so that's what he did, everyday he put a smile on his face and did everything he could to make people smile even if that meant for him to be a punching bag or a personal butler. The only reason he didn't report his father was because it would make him mad and he didn't want that.


Whilst Izuku was drifting off his father burst through the door with a evil smile and a whip. Before Izuku knew it he was being dragged by the man into the basement and got locked up in chains. Izuku wasn't bothered to cry or scream anymore because he knew it would only bring him more pain.

Dekus POV

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?~" he slurred, obviously he was even more drunk then earlier. I just stayed silent not wanting the punishment to be worse. "Oh right, it's just a FUCKING USELESS, SLUT!" He yelled and whipped me, it burned but I didn't scream. The whip was made of metal and had ragged edges so it left cuts in my skin. He ripped off my shirt and I looked at my father, he had smoke coming out his mouth, I knew what he was going to do. He turned around and breathed fire on the whip till it turned a glowing red to white. My breathing hitched as I looked at it, then I looked down. "LOOK AT ME WHEN IM ABOUT TO PUNISH YOU!" I looked up only to be slapped in the face and then hit with the burning whip. This continued for a few hours and every time he hit me he reminded me of how useless I am. At the end I was cut and bleeding all over, before he left he said "don't ever forget that it's all your fault that Inko's dead, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" And after that I passed out.

Hai everybody, this is my first au so I hope you like it and I'm sorry for the pain I put Izu through it hurts me writing this but yet again I need a .. backstory? Idk. Izuku's life will get better I promise. Ok this bitch is heading out,

Psycho~chan out~

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