Important Info - Characters, Beys, ...

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----Warning: minor spoilers (of the book) ahead----

Book's info:

- the book will follow the Metal Masters storyline; 

- there may be some grammar mistakes and misspelt words;

- the story will be written in the third person POV;

- there will be some changes in the World Championships rules (if that didn't happen it would be almost impossible to include a new team). Those changes are:

     - Wales will be Irland's representative in team Excalibur since the UK is no longer in the EU and there's already a team representing it;

    - I can't tell more because if I do I will give you major spoilers of the book but you will understand all minor changes as you read.

Characters' (my OCs) info: 

- Kira Rose, the main character: blood-red wavy long hair; light teal eyes; 

- Brandon Cross: black hair, longer on top and styled back; grey eyes; 

- James Cross: ash brown hair, slicked back; grey eyes; 

-Benjamin (Ben) Ryder: chestnut brown hair, shorter sides and the hair on top is neatly trimmed slick back, green eyes;

- Adam (Alpha) Frost: dark blue hair, tapered haircut styled into a side part; ocean blue eyes.

Team's info:

- Country: UK

- Name: Wildfire (similar to Wild Fang, that has an explanation: Kira and Kyoya's connection Kira and Kyoya's similar personality in certain aspects; I couldn't think of a better name and Wildfire reminds me of Game of Thrones and Melissandre)

- Members - Role - Beyblade: 

   - Kira: leader; Immortal Phoenix;

   - Alpha: regular; Grand Fenrir;

   - James: regular; Storm Griffin;

   - Brandon: substitute; Rock Griffin;

   - Ben: mechanic; Wild Cat.

Beyblade's info (and pics):

- Immortal Phoenix: 

   -Normal Mode (above):

      - Defence type;

      -Special moves: Rise From The Ashes (unlocks Left Rotation Mode); Phoenix Flaming Sharp Wings; Fire Shield; Dancing Flames; and more...

   -Left Rotation Mode (bellow):

      - Attack type;

      - Special moves: the same as when in Normal Mode

      - Special moves: the same as when in Normal Mode

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- Grand Fenrir: 

   - Defense type;

   - Special moves: Fenrir's Smashing Chains

   - Special moves: Fenrir's Smashing Chains

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- Storm Griffin: 

   - Attack type;

   - Special moves: Golden Crushing Wings Strike

   - Special moves: Golden Crushing Wings Strike

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- Rock Griffin:

   - Defence type;

   - Special moves: Rock Wings Smash Attack (may change in the future)

   - Special moves: Rock Wings Smash Attack (may change in the future)

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- Wild Cat:

   - Stamina type;

   - Special move: Nine Lives 

(None of the artwork is mine, I simply did some tricks to personalise the beyblades and compose the images

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(None of the artwork is mine, I simply did some tricks to personalise the beyblades and compose the images. Immortal Phoenix original beyblades: Fang Leone W105R2F (Red Bruning Claw Limited Edition Version) and Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Rush 125SF (which is a balance type but we will pretend its actually an attack type); Rock Griffin original beyblade is Rock Aries ED145D (American DJ's bey); Storm Griffin is Black Sun Galaxy Pegasus GB145MS; Grand Fenrir  original bey is Kreis Cygnus 145WD (but we will pretend its fusion wheel is Grand) and Wild Cat is Infinity Libra GB145SS)

Thanks for reading! I hope you like the story! 

Good reading!

Burning Hearts (Beyblade Metal Masters/Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now