Chapter 17 - The Dragon Empress

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The battle between Team Wildfire and Finland's team had already taken place and Kira was still looking for Tsubasa just like the Japanese bladers from his team. She had spent the day in her room at the WBBA HQ trying to find some info about Ryuga's location after Hyoma had found him. She only stopped working for some time to congratulate her team since they had won the match with two wins in a row as usual. The girl was determined to find her friend.

The female agent was sure Tsubasa would go after the Dragon Emperor to get some answers about the dark power and how to control it. However, she had some other idea in her mind that kept bothering her. She had to talk with the WBBA director.

Kira went to the director's office as fast as she could to share her ideas and also her suspicions.

'Director,' she spoke calmly but still showing how eager she was to tell him about her discoveries.

Hikaru was inside talking to Gingka's father and looked at the female with an upset expression. She didn't like the fact she had interrupted her.

'It's urgent,' Kira explained noticing the displeased Hikaru and Ryo nodded telling her she could speak. 'I think I know where Tsubasa is.'

'Where?' the former blader asked with her purple eyes full of curiosity showing how worried she was.

'Italy,' Kira replied almost in a cold tone. When it came to working, she tried to be as professional as possible even when the well-being of a close friend was in the line.

'What makes you believe that?' Ryo questioned.

The WBBA agent took her phone out of her pocket. She had taken some photos of some interesting documents and files she had found during her search that led her to conclude Tsubasa was in the Boot.

'So, one of the WBBA's private jets was used and headed east, but the identity of the agent is unknown which means they are in a high position or they simply found a way to cover their trace. We know Tsubasa is smart and resourceful enough to do something like that,' she began sharing her line of thinking and showed the adult the photos on her phone hat proved what she was saying. 'And also, Julian has a reverse rotation beyblade and the Japanese team will be facing his team soon. Tsubasa is in an impulsive state right now so he probably went there to face him in order to overcome the dark power and prove to himself he is strong.'

Ryo seemed to be agreeing with the girl as he listened carefully to her. What she said made sense indeed. She was an amazing agent and one of the best when it came to that kind of intellectual games. But what if he wasn't there? They would be just wasting time. On the other hand, there were no other leads and nobody had a clue where the silver-haired male could be. Maybe that theory was their best chance to find Tsubasa.

'I can go there and look for him,' Kira spoke with determination in her light teal eyes.

'Fine. Try to book the next flight available to Rome,' the director said in an authoritative tone.

The red-haired female message Richard immediately telling him she needed to fly to Rome as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the only flight available was at night and had two stops so she would only arrive in Italy the night after.

The three bladers in the room agreed that Kira should go and also decided not to tell anything to the members of Team GanGan Galaxy until they were sure Tsubasa was there and that he was safe. If they knew Kira was going on a mission to find him, they would want to tag along and that could make it even harder to find the missing WBBA agent.

Kira went home and packed everything she would need. She wasn't planning on staying in Rome for too long, so she packed a small bag. When she finally had everything done, it was almost time to be at the airport, so she left right away and prayed she wouldn't miss the flight.

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