Chapter 11 - Golden Boy

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'Now our lives have changed, I wish that I could heal

Time has taken love, a darker side revealed

For every lie begins, with what we used to feel

Blaming myself, tied to these chains, living in pain

All of your tears, everything's gone, is it too late? Walk away!

A lonely heart remains until we know the truth

But if it stays the same, can we make it through?

A life without the hurt, a life without you'

Kira listened to the band's cover of the song "Walk Away" by Black Veil Brides that had come out that day as she walked the halls of the hotel the British team would be staying in while in Greece. Brandon and James were already in their room and Adam was sharing his with Ben. The female was the only one who hadn't seen her room yet since hers was on the top floor.

When she opened the door, her light eyes widen. It wasn't a single room like she had booked. It was a suite. She walked in and put her bag on a chair near the entrance. Then, her teal eyes noticed something on the bed. It was a bouquet of red roses. It had a note. The girl rushed to open the small card and read what it said.

For a moment, she thought it would be from someone special. It said: 'None of these roses is as stunning as you but I felt the need to thank you for accepting my invitation for the gala tonight. Yours truly, Julian Konzern'

The singer left the room immediately and went to the elevator with the card in her hands. She had to tell Brandon what just happened.

'Brandon!' she almost yelled as she knocked at his door and waited for her friend to open it.

Then, it finally opened. But it wasn't Brandon on the other side. It was Ben.

'Hum... I think you knocked at the wrong door,' the male with brown hair spoke and laughed lightly.

'Is everything alright?' Adam asked and walked to the door.

That was when the door next to their room opened and that time it was Brandon. He heard his name and decided to see what was going on outside.

They ended up all entering the twins' room to see what Kira had to say. They were all curious to know why she was so stressed.

'So this happened,' the female spoke in a serious tone and showed them the card. The guys seemed to be surprised. Nobody was expecting that. But they got even more shocked when Kira told them about the suite.

'I think someone is trying to impress you,' Brandon said with a teasing voice.

'Well, he's impressing me indeed. But not in a good way.'

'Why though?' Ben asked. 'I wish a hot and rich guy like him did this for me!'

'At least this explains why he asked in which hotel we would be staying,' Adam concluded remembering the conversation they had had with Julian the day before.

'I think it was kinda cute what he did,' Brandon confessed and agreed with Ben when he said the situation wasn't that bad. 'And red roses are your favourite flower so he got something right at least.'

'Everybody loves red roses,' Kira spoke back. 'I'm just more cliché than the others.'

The band members wanted to keep talking but they had to get ready for the gala, so Kira went to her suite while Ben and Adam returned to their room.

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