Chapter 9 - The Ultimate Dedication - Part One

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Kira and her team were backstage getting ready for the big show. The female could feel the adrenaline and the excitement in her veins as she got her earpiece ready and took the mic in her hands.

Everyone was looking good and ready to rock. James was only wearing his black ripped jeans while Adam had the exact same look but with a grey leather jacket. Brandon and Ben were wearing simple outfits: jeans and a tight shirt. The bassist's pants were white while Brandon's were dark grey. Both were wearing black shirts. Kira was also wearing black. She had a black long-sleeved bodysuit on that matched perfectly the black and grey skinnies by My Little Halo clothing she was wearing.

'Let's do this!' Kira exclaimed and the band gathered to let out their battle cry.

Then, they walked to the stage one at a time. The crowd cheered as they went to their places on the stage. They weren't expecting that after having defeated the Russian team, but there was no time to think about it.

The band began to play. Kira noticed her friends from the Japanese team enjoying the music.

'I never get tired of these three songs!' Madoka commented since the band was playing the same first three songs they had played in China.

'It's dope!' Gingka agreed. But he wanted to listen to the new stuff too. He was curious just like Yu who couldn't wait to see them play "Frequency". He liked Kira a lot and followed all her works, so he watched the music video the band released for that song and he really wanted to see her singing that.

Fortunately for the kid, that was the song that played after "Carnivore".

'I was scanning through the skies

And missed the static in your eyes

Something blocking your reception

It's distorting our connection'

The red-haired female sang with passion as she locked her eyes with Brandon's that was near her in the middle of the stage.

'With the distance amplified

Was it all just synthesized?

And now the silence screams that you are gone

You've tuned me out

I've lost your frequency'

Kira's hand moved to her best friend's face in a somehow dramatic way, but, before she could reach it, she moved her hand away fast turning it into a fist as she sang the last verse and then let her body move with the song.

'There's something here that's broken

There's something here with no end

It's paralyzed

It's in your eyes'

She sang while walking back to the front of the stage and looking at the audience around her as well as at the cameras that were following her every move.

''Cause I can feel your soul fade

I can feel your heart change

It falls out of phase with mine

While you oscillate inside

Or is it only in my head?'

Kira pointed one her left index finger to her head while she sang the last verse, but soon her hand turned into a fist again when the chorus began. She did as in the rehearsals and looked straight into the camera in front of the main stage.

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