New Book(s) Info

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Hello, beautiful souls! First of all, thank you for reading my book! It means a lot! <3 I hope you enjoyed it :)

So, I will be publishing another book that will be called "Fire and Fury" and it will be following the storyline of the Metal Fury series. I am also working on some other books, but I don't know when I'll be able to share them with you :'( But I can't wait to do so because there are some awesome moments there that I absolutely love!  

Anyway, by the time you read this, the new book will already have some chapters... if not, they will be coming soon! Here's the text that will appear in that "Description" box of the book just in case you're curious:

"This is the sequel to the "Burning Hearts" book (if you haven't read it yet I would advise you to do so since you'll be able to understand some of the events that will happen in this book better). This book is about an OC I created. Her name is Kira Rose and her Beyblade also evolved when the new Star Fragment arrived. However, she doesn't know her role as a Legendary Blader. While she tries to find out, her relationship with Kyoya becomes more fragile every day."

The cover is up there, so you can check it out ;) 

If you have any questions about the characters or the story or myself, you can leave them in the comments and then may answer them in the Info part of the new book :)

Thank you for reading again! Stay beautiful and amazing!

A virtual hug and a kiss on the left cheek! <3 <3

Burning Hearts (Beyblade Metal Masters/Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now