Chapter 10 - The Ultimate Dedication - Part Two

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Blood Tears' members were at their VIP room watching the match between Gingka and Nowaguma. Kira had her blood boiling with rage. The Russian team was cheating and nobody did a thing about it. And to make it all worse, Masamune hadn't arrived yet. The female was starting to suspect it was Team Lovushka fault.

The red-haired girl wasn't the only one not liking what was going on. Adam and the other team members weren't finding that kind of battle any funny.

'I guess I understand now why they weren't that sad when they lost to us,' James spoke in a serious tone as he watched Pegasus special move failing.

'They had this planned from the beginning,' Kira agreed. 'There was no way they could ever do something like this when not battling at home.'

They kept watching the battle and see Gingka struggling and unable to use his special move. That cage surrounding the stadium was designed to prevent Pegasus from flying into the sky.

However, the ginger boy was too determined to win to let that obstacle stop him, so his Pegasus tore the cage even with the electric choking it was provoking and aimed to the sky. That was the end for his Russian opponent.

The British team happiness was visible as they celebrated the young blader victory during the break between matches.

When the break was over, the next match was announced. Kira was curious to see who would battle instead of Masamune. Madoka had told her the WBBA found him with some help and that he was heading to the stadium. But he wouldn't arrive on time, so the Japanese team had to choose another balder.

It turned out the next match would be Aleksei against Yu. The stadium this time looked normal. But soon everyone realized it wasn't. The little boy's special move was blocked.

'It must be something in the stadium,' Kira commented to herself. She was at the arena watching the battle. She wanted to support her little friend so there was no way she would stay in her room.

After Libra tried to attack the red Beyblade some more times, it started to float. Kira couldn't believe her eyes. Was Aleksei doing that all by himself? No, he couldn't be. The stadium must have something special.

Yu was starting to get angry. He couldn't attack the red floating Beyblade. And the fact that the Russian team was cheating didn't make him calm down. Even Madoka was upset and disappointed with Aleksei.

'And now the pink girl invades the scene,' Adam commented when he saw Lyra walking to the stadium to defend her teammate.

'She annoys me,' Kira spoke and then focused on the scene in the middle of the arena.

Lyra was definitely trying to cover the fact that they were cheating. And Yu, well... Yu was losing his cool. He was getting angrier and wasn't happy with the battle at all. He found it all so unfair that his interest in battling against Aleskei was fading and with the anger growing bigger inside of him it was clear he was going to lose.

Gingka tried to calm his teammate however, the team leader was just as upset as the sub-member, so he didn't work quite well. That was when Kira got up and spoke to the little boy. She said, 'hey, Yu, you're a genius! So put yourself together!'

'Yeah, Yu,' Gingka exclaimed and the kid's eyes left Kira's ones to look at the ginger boy. 'You're a bey genius! The first time I fought with you I knew it! There are geniuses out there and you happen to be one of them! That's the truth!'

Unfortunately, Yu didn't quite understand the whole motivational speech Gingka gave him, but he understood it just well enough to come up with a plan.

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