Chapter 6 - The Third Hottest Blader

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Kira singing

James singing


'You haven't complimented me enough,' Kira spoke letting Dashan know she had noticed his strange behaviour during the training and that she knew about his plan.

The male chuckled lightly realizing Kira had figured him out. Then, Mei-Mei spoke, 'but you can still stay with us for a while. We are going to eat. You can join us!'

'If you are expecting me to give you some information about Team GanGan Galaxy just know that it won't happen,' the red-haired girl spoke with a serious voice. Mei-Mei and Chi-yun felt a little bit embarrassed while the Chinese team leader found her attitude of loyalty interesting and told her they wouldn't ask for any information.

Kira then accepted the invitation and walked with the Chinese bladers to a living room. The female was exhausted, so, when she saw a big and comfortable sofa, she didn't hesitate and sat on it while Mei-Mei put some food on the table in the middle of the room.

'So, you won against Russia with just two battles!' the Chi-yun commented.

'That was pretty impressive,' Dashan interrupted his teammate.

'It was a good start indeed!' Kira replied smiling.

Suddenly, the red-haired blader phone began buzzing. The female got up and answered the phone.

'Isaac! How are you?' she spoke with a big smile and then waited to listen to the person on the other side of the line. After a while she spoke again, 'that is amazing! I'm in! Just send me everything and I'll record it the day after the performance at the tournament!'

The three other bladers in the room were intrigued by Kira's conversation, so, when she ended the call, Mei-Mei asked if everything was alright.

'Everything is fine!' the redhead replied in a soft tone. 'Do you know any good music studios around here?'

'Chi-yun does not know.'

'Me neither,' Dashan answered. 'May we know why you ask?'

'Well, do you know Isaac? The famous rapper from South Africa?' she asked, and Mei-Mei nodded. 'I'll be doing a collab with him in order to raise some money to organize a tournament in Savannah so Africa can enter the World Championships!'

It was clear that Kira was beyond happy and excited about the new project. However, nothing was perfect and there was a little problem.

'But championships have already begun,' Dashan spoke. 'How much time do you have to release the song?'

'Less than a week,' the singer spoke with an expression that showed everyone how little time she had.

'Will you be able to do it on time?' Mei-Mei asked a little concerned.

'I'll have too! This was a last-minute idea. Isaac is recording his part now and he will send me the stuff I need as soon as he can. The video will be simple since it is supposed to be a live session like thing so we just have to record while filming. If everything runs in our favour, we will do it!'

The female was a bit stressed, but she knew she would do it all in time. She just had to spend less time resting and more time working hard.

'Well, that is all very interesting,' Dashan said looking at the female as she ate a baozi. 'But will you be able to raise the money in time?'

Kira swallowed the baozi and took a moment to think. That would be a difficult task. So much money in just a few days. She would have to record her part of the song the day before the tournament. That was it! But it wasn't enough. Then she remembered something. The female spoke, 'I will donate my share of the money we will do with the concert at the match.'

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