Chapter 14 - The Final Dedication

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Kira's heart was beating faster than a freight train. She could feel the stress running in her veins as her hands shook. The female hadn't been that nervous in a while. She couldn't stop walking in circles as she over thought everything she had on her mind.

The girl decided to walk the Indian stadium corridors. Maybe that would calm her down.

'Royal beggars, royal beggars

Do you, do you, do you wanna

Live forever, live forever

Alone, alone, alone?'

The red-haired female sang softly as she walked the stadium's empty long halls. Her mind got lost in her thoughts as she wondered.

'You're Kira, right?' a strange voice spoke and Kira took her eyes off the ground and looked to the person speaking to her. She recognized him. He was the Egyptian blader that ended up in eighth place the top ten Hottest Bladers list and he was also a member of Team Wild Fang.

'And you're Nile, right?' the girl asked feeling a knot in her stomach as her stress increased.

The male confirmed. He looked suspicious which was normal since it wasn't allowed for bladers who weren't going to battle to wonder that part of the stadium.

'So, what are you doing here?' he questioned her getting straight to the point.

'That is a good question,' Kira replied trying to think of a decent excuse. 'You see... I can't really tell you. But you're not going to leave until I do so I guess I have no choice. I'm a WBBA agent and I'm on a mission.'

Nile looked at her. He wasn't convinced at all. But why would she lie? Whatever the reason was, he wasn't liking that and now he was worried about his friend. The Egyptian blader wanted to know more about the famous female that his teammate seemed to like so much and he was going to do that.

The male entered the room where his team was resting before the match Kyoya wasn't there which was perfect. He sat next to Benkei in the couch of the room. Apparently, the leader of the team decided to have some time alone before the battles.

'So, Benkei,' the male with a tanned skin began, 'you know Kira, right?'

'You mean Kyoya's ex-girlfriend?' the big guy asked immediately looking at Nile with his eyes wide open because of the surprise. He wasn't expecting him to talk about her all of a sudden. Even Demure was surprised.

'Yes. Tell me about her.'

Benkei hesitated before he began talking again, 'she is really nice... sometimes she is kinda intimidating.' Then the purple-haired guy remembered something really important and exciting, 'she is brave! Bull, bull, bull! She saved Kyoya's life and defeated Ryuga!'

Nile seemed to be taken by surprise. He wasn't expecting that. He never thought that the strong and independent girl that seemed to be so ruthless when defeating Team Excalibur leader would do such a thing.

'And she stayed with him in the hospital,' Benkei informed as flashbacks of that day passed through his mind. 'And she always let Kyoya go on his training trips alone.'

The blader with brown hair was definitely not expecting that, but he felt relieved to know the girl who was getting dressed in the room on the other side of the hall was good at heart.

Kira got in her black pants by My Little Halo and put on her red tank top along with her black leather jacket. Then she joined her team in another room. They were all looking at the screen. The first match was about to start.

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