Chapter 4 - China

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Kira was in her room packing. She didn't have much time since her ride would be there in a couple of minutes. She was almost finished. The only thing that was left was the outfit she used to perform at the match with the Russian team. The female folded those pieces of clothing and put them inside the bag before she zipped it and left the house.

When she stepped outside the building, Adam's Pegeaut was already parked in front of the big tower, waiting for the girl. She put her bag in the truck and then got in the car. The other members of the team were already there, so Adam drove to the airport and left the car in the airport's parking garage.

Everyone was excited as they walked the airport corridors full of people. Brandon, however, was a little bit stressed, as usual, while Ben was filming Kira singing and dancing with her bag as they walked. Unfortunately, the female only realized he had been filming her when her phone buzzed and she saw she had been tagged in a story. Benjamin had posted the video in the band's Instagram stories saying they were getting ready to fly to China.

The flight was long and they all had appointments and events to attend when they got there. Adam had to take care of some important stuff about the band with the manager, Ben had to go to a fashion show, the twins had an interview and Kira wanted to visit the country.

When they got there, they decided to go straight to the hotel. However, they found a piano in their way out of the airport. Brandon rushed to it and sat on the bench to start playing. Kira recognized the song he was playing immediately. It was "Always" by Gavin James and she loved the song, so she joined him and sing.

'I have to film this!' Ben spoke when she realized she would sing with her friend.

'What am I supposed to do without you?

Is it too late to pick the pieces up?

Too soon to let them go?

Do you feel damaged just like I do?

Your face, it makes my body ache

It won't leave me alone'

Some people gathered around them and filmed the two friends too. They all seemed to be having a good time and the Gavin James song "Always" was pretty well known so it caught even more attention.

When the two childhood friends were finished, they left the airport. They had lunch in the hotel's restaurant. Ben left as soon as they finished the meal. He had been wanting to go to that fashion event for years, so he was happy to finally be able to attend it. Adam was also in a hurry, he and the manager had to go to the Beyblade stadium talk to the event organizers and to the staff about some important details.

On the other hand, Brandon and James still had some time before their interview. The dark-haired twin decided to go to his room and take a nap. He was tired since he wasn't able to sleep during the plane trip, unlike his brother. James slept during the whole trip, so he decided to go with Kira and visit China.

The female, however, was feeling indecisive. She really wanted to visit the country. China was the third country in her "Countries I need to visit before I die" list. But she also needed to train and she had skipped the box training the week before. She couldn't get out of shape or else her strength and skills while battling would decrease. That was when James had the most genius idea ever. He said, 'we can always do our box training in the Great Wall of China.'

'James, you are the best!' she exclaimed as they left the restaurant and wet to their rooms to get ready.

Kira got in her black leggings and black top and packed her box gloves and other equipment in her Nike bag. She put on her black trainers and styled her hair into two Dutch braids.

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