Chapter 25 - Ash

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Kira adopted a defensive position immediately and waited for something to happen. Her light eyes observed everything around her... if that was a trap, she needed to be ready to defend herself.

Suddenly, the floor opened to reveal a stadium and Damian appeared. He looked surprised to see her there. Maybe he was expecting someone else.

His eyes changed and, in a blink of an eye, they didn't show surprise anymore. They showed anger and rage and wrath. Damian was mad at the girl. She had humiliated him in the championships, she made him say he was weak, and she was going to pay.

The American blader forgot about the arena and the fact he was there to battle and began walking to the girl. She stood her ground and didn't move, but then she noticed the look in his eyes and realized she needed to get out of there fast.

The red-haired female began taking some steps back, getting away from the male and gaining more time to think of a solution. However, she wasn't fast enough and soon her back hit the wall.

Suddenly, she felt his hand on her neck. Her light teal eyes widen. As a reflex, her hands grabbed his immediately and she tried to break free, but he was stronger than her. She needed to think of something else. She let her left hand let go of him and began trying to take out a small and pointy piece of her launcher. She could use it to attack and wound him, but she wasn't being able to take that piece out and the air in her lungs was starting to go away.

'Now, say it!' Damian shouted. 'Say you are weak! Admit it!'


Suddenly, there was a loud noise and Damian was pulled away from Kira. The girl fell on her knees trying to catch her breath. Then, she heard someone being punched. It was Kyoya who had hit the short blader.

The green-haired male was more than angry. He was furious. What did that half of a man think he was!? Did he have a death wish?

'You alright, babe?' the fierce blader asked as he kneeled down next to his lover as she coughed filling her lungs with air again. 'Did he hurt you? Does anything hurt?'

'I'm fine,' Kira spoke in a weak voice.

'I'm going to crush you!' an angry Kyoya said fiercely.

'As if you could even do it,' Damian replied with disdain.

'I can and I will!' the blue-eyes male spoke as he helped Kira getting back on her feet. 'Can you walk?'

'Yes, I'm fine, really,' she replied with a stronger voice now.

'Then go and leave this guy to me!'

The red-haired girl looked at her lover with worry in her eyes.

'Think of it as a repayment,' Kyoya told her. He felt like it was his time to save her like she did to him in the past and he was glad he was going to be able to finally do it.

The female kissed the bladers cheek.

'Thank you,' she whispered and then left the room using the whole created by Leone that let Kyoya in.

She walked the corridors fast trying to get to the spiral core. The idea of Damian being hurting Kyoya never left her mind, but she knew he was strong enough to walk through hell and back.

That place was a maze and there were bladers everywhere trying to stop her from keep on moving. But they were no match for the female, and she defeated them all easily. The only problem was that they were holding her back and making her waste time on pointless battles.

Suddenly, she felt the ground beneath her feet shake violently as a familiar energy invaded the halls. She tried to lean on a wall but ended up falling on the ground. When the seism was finally over, she got up again.

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