Chapter 15 - The Rival's Battle

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'So, here we are again,' Kira commented with Kyoya as they left the airplane. 'And here we part ways again.'

'Nobody forced you to accept that halftime show stuff,' the male teased.

'Very funny, lion boy,' said the girl.

'We could always go to that burger house later,' he suggested. 'The one with the doughnuts.'

'Deal. Meet me at the stadium by seven. I'll be there rehearsing,' the female smiled and then kissed her lover goodbye before she joined her team outside the airport.

Blood Tears had a lot of work to do and not that much time. But they would figure out a solution to prepare the show as they always did.

'So, how are things with mister hot head?' Brandon asked his best friend once the rehearse ended.

'Better than ever,' she replied with a huge smile. 'Unfortunately, we are both extra busy.'

'But once you're not...' Ben began with a suggestive look.

'You sound like the bimbo reporter,' the red-haired blader commented.

'Ouch!' James mocked his friend.

After a while, Kyoya appeared. It was seven already. The team didn't even notice it was getting dark.

Kira said her goodbyes to the team and left with Kyoya. It had been a while since they went on a date, so both lovers were pretty excited about it.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they stayed at the entrance waiting for one of the waiters to lead them to their table. Kira was praying that the table would be the one by the window with a great view of the river. Lucky for her, that was the table to where the waiter had walked them. Kyoya confessed he had asked for that place when he made the reservations. The female was surprised. She never thought he would remember she liked that place so much.

'So, ready for that press conference?' the girl with light eyes asked while choosing what to eat.

'Of course, I am,' Kyoya replied with cockiness as usual. 'How's training for your next match?'

'We kinda had to put that on hold with this halftime show stuff,' Kira confessed. 'But the Finnish team doesn't seem to be that though and the battle is a few days after yours, so we still have time.'

Soon the food arrived and the couple ate. Their eyes showed how happy they were to be finally together.

Kyoya felt complete again. Nothing was missing anymore and on the day of the match, he knew he was going to be stronger and defeat Gingka.

He felt more confident than ever as he entered the stadium with his team and walked to the VIP seats to watch the opening show.

Gingka and Team Gan-Gan Galaxy members were also sure they would win, especially Masamune. He thought Nile wasn't that strong as an opponent.

'So, you ready?' someone whispered in Kyoya's ear during the show.

He turned around fast and then spoke, 'what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the stage, right now?'

'Relax, lion boy,' Kira spoke softly. 'I only enter after the next song, so I decided to come here to wish you good luck!'

'Yeah, whatever,' Kyoya replied trying to hide the happiness he was feeling by knowing she was there supporting him.

'Grumpy,' said the girl before kissing his left cheek and leave. Soon she would be joining Black Sakura, so she hurried to get to the backstage. The band was playing "Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail" by A Day to Remembers and that was the song before "Quantum Flux" and also one of her favourite covers the band had ever done. She loved the original song and related a lot to the lyrics especially to the verses of the outro, but the cover her friends did hit her differently. It was almost most passionate than the original and she loved that.

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