Chapter 3 - The Championships Begin

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'Brandon!' Kira's voice was heard from the dressing rooms. 'Where's my gown? I can't find it!'

'I think Ben has it!' the blader shouted from the room next to hers. 'Hey, Ben, do you have Kira's gown?'

'Yes!' Ben yelled from another dressing room.

'Could you net yell, please!' James shouted. The male was a bit moody since he was forced not to perform shirtless and he hated to wear shirts.

In another dressing room, Adam just rolled his eyes and got dressed. He could hear the door open in the room next to his. It was Ben giving the gown to Kira so she could get ready too.

The Elven Nectar Bodysuit dress was beautiful. It was more like a body with some kind of tail, but it was still beautiful. The corset was grey and had little pink flowers that math the light pink of the tail. Kira dressed up and then did her make-up. She was feeling cute in that dress and the best part was the fact it was from ASKASU, one of her favourite clothing brand!

When she was finally ready, she left the room. Her bandmates were all waiting for her and all well dressed too.

'You look a-ma-zing!' Ben exclaimed when he saw her.

'Are you going barefooted?' Adam asked looking at her feet.

'Yes, I will! I want to feel the vibrations of the sound!'

They didn't have much time to talk because one of the event's organization members appeared and told them they would perform in two minutes. Kira was extremely nervous. That was the opening of the championships. And she would be singing for millions of people. That was scary. She was afraid she couldn't do it.

The band went backstage and talked for some seconds before everyone, except Kira, walked to the stage. The platform was still dark, so nobody could see them walking to their instruments with clarity, not even the cameras that were filming everything and broadcasting it worldwide could.

James walked to the drums that were on a raised floor. Adam and Brandon already had their guitars, so they just walked to their places in the stage. The older guitarist was on the left side while the other remained on the right side of the stage where Ben would be playing the bass and the keyboard.

Kira felt the vibrations of the beat in her feet as her bandmates and the orchestra started playing. The lights of the stage turned on and off according to the rhythm of the song. The lights illuminated the night sky and gave life to the stadium.

When the time came, the female entered the enormous stage in the middle of the biggest Beyblade stadium she had ever seen. The crowd applauded as the female walked to the microphone in the middle of the stage. The orchestra was in front of her, in the orchestra pit, and the choir was behind the band. Everything was exactly as in the practice run. She just hoped her voice would sound as angelic and flawless as it sounded during the practice.

The crowd was cheering and screaming, but when Kira began singing everyone fell silent.

'We used to swim the same moonlight waters

Oceans away from the wakeful day'

The female looked at Brandon after those verses. He was smiling at her. That meant she had nailed it. Kira continued singing with a smile and with more confidence but always with an angelic and clean voice as the choir went along.

'My fall will be for you

Scent of the sea before the waking of the world

Brings me to thee

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