Chapter 5 - Whang Hu Zhong Leader

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Kira stood in front of the big arena in Beylin Temple with her friends waiting to see what the man in the centre of the stadium would do once all the bladers around it launched their beyblades. When they finally did, everyone focused all their attention on the mysterious balder. He jumped and waited for the beys to clash against each other and then launched his Beyblade.

He defeated all the bladers easily and all at once. That surprised the members of Team GanGan Galaxy.

'That was awesome!' Yu exclaimed showing how excited and impressed he was.

Tsubasa was impressed as well, he said with surprise, 'all those beys with just one attack.'

'He was able to read all of the beys paths that quickly!' Gingka spoke.

'They were twenty-eight and he waited for them to start spinning around the stadium so it would be easier to predict their movements and attack,' the red-haired female explained calmly, breaking down the bladers strategy and drawing his attention to her.

He looked at the people in front of him with a serious expression. That was when Kira recognized him. He had reached the fifth place in the top ten hottest bladers list. That was why she recognized him! It was from the photos in the article in the Metal Fusion mag site. How could she even forget him?

'What's these? Who are these people?' his smooth voice spoke in a rather defensive and annoyed tone.

'Who are you calling people?' Masamune spoke showing his contempt for male's reaction to their presence.

'Would you prefer if he calls you little boy? I wouldn't blame you,' Kira spoke teasing the blader. However, he didn't get the joke. Only Tsubasa did get it since he remembered she telling him the blader in front of them "looked like a daddy" when they were checking the top ten hottest bladers list the day before the winner was announced.

'Let me introduce them,' Mei-Mei spoke approaching the male and gesturing to the group. 'These are Japan's representatives: Team GanGan Galaxy in the flesh! And this is Team Wildfire leader!'

'Please, excuse my rudeness,' the male apologized as his expression change. 'I am the leader of China's representatives. Our name is Team Wang Hu Zhong. I am Dashan Wang.'

The Japanese team members seemed surprised, unlike Kira who had paid attention to the information the WBBA released before the tournament and already knew the names of the teams' members.

'You mean Chi-yun isn't the leader?' Masamune asked confused.

'Haven't you seen the opening ceremony, Masamune? Britannia talked about it!' Kira spoke before Chi-yun interrupted her defending himself from the dark-haired Blader's words.

Madoka explained that it wasn't Chi-yun's fault that they thought he was the leader. That was when Yu noticed that was a member missing. They were only three when they should be four. He said, 'hang on. Wait a minute! Isn't Mei-Mei the team's sub-member for the tournament?'

'Where's the fourth?' Tsubasa asked being straightforward. He understood Yu's point and became curios too as to where the third man was.

'Never mind! We know where he is!' the blue-haired Chinese blader spoke. He was trying to draw the attention away from that matter. Then he noticed the UK team wasn't complete either. He spoke, 'I don't see any of Team Wildfire members here except for the leader. So, I don't see the problem.'

'Well,' Kira began, 'one is in a fashion show, the twins are giving an interview and the other one is taking care of some important stuff for our show!'

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