Chapter 24 - Hades City

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All the bladers were at the WBBA HQ in the US and ready to fight Dr Ziggurat. However, Ryo didn't agree with that nor did Kira. That issue wasn't something they could handle anymore. He said, 'this is a very serious issue! We at the WBBA will deal with it. Our best agent, Kira, will take care of it.'

'What!?' Kyoya exclaimed walking to his lover in front of him. 'There is no way you're going to do that alone!'

'Yes, there is. Is the best way,' Kira spoke. 'It's too dangerous for you to go.'

'And it's too dangerous for you to go as well!!!' the male insisted.

'We can't let you go alone,' Dashan said.

Then, Gingka intervened as well and told his father they couldn't let Ziggurat get away with all he had done. Not after he used the World Championships on his research. The other bladers agreed and, in the end, Hikaru joined them. She thought letting the bladers take care of the problem was the best way to end that spiral force thing and destroy Dr Ziggurat plans.

The former blader even gave some details on the Hades City, where Hades Inc. was located, and on the spiral force itself. All against Ryo and Kira's will.

'Spiral force is believed to be located in this tower,' the girl finally revealed the location of the fearsome energy. 'And that means Faust and Tempo are also there!'

'Is name isn't Faust! It's Toby!' Masamune corrected.

'We know,' Gingka replied. 'And we also know this means we just need to head to that tower!'

'You make it sound easy,' Kira spoke. 'If you think you're ready to do this, you're wrong.'

Her cold tone showed perfectly how displeased she was that the bladers wanted to join her in her mission. She had always been better as a solo agent.

'If it isn't easy, you shouldn't go alone!' Kyoya argued. There was no way he was letting Kira go on that mission all by herself. He still remembered too well the look in her eyes when she spoke about her last one. That ended up being a disaster and he didn't want that to happen again to his lover.

'Yeah, so let's go now!' Masamune exclaimed. 'We're gonna save Toby!'

'Okay, then, if that's what we're doing,' Kyoya spoke, 'just remember, we gonna have to destroy all their equipment!'

Nile agreed with his friend and Benkei did the same. It looked like everyone was already too determined to go. There was no way Kira or Ryo would be able to stop them.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened. It was Team Excalibur. They wanted to join them since Julian chose Ziggurat's side. They wanted to save their leader.

'I see you're all prepared to face this,' Ryo confessed. 'In that case, we have no choice but to let you give it a shot.'

'Just try not to be the ones who get shot,' Kira spoke coldly as she left the room.

Kyoya followed her through the corridor. She could hear his steps but decided to ignore them until she entered a room. It was spacious and the only things it had inside were some ... full of launchers and other materials related to Beyblade.

'What is wrong with you?' Kyoya asked as he entered the room and shut the door behind him. 'I know you don't want us to get involved, but we will cause there's no way you're going to do that alone!'

The female turned around to meet his ocean blue eyes staring at her.

'I don't want anyone to get hurt,' she explained. 'I even told my team not to get involved!'

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