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This is my first ever story so bare with me.


"God she's so annoying." Perrie rolled her eyes with crossed arms leaning on her closed locker.

"Okay, you need to get over her. We get it Pez you have a crush on the most popular girl in school. It's okay to admit it." The blonde's best friend Jesy grinned, teasing the hot headed Geordie.

"I do no-"

"Yeah yeah, heard it all before. You can't fool anyone Perrie." Jesy interrupted. "Why do you guys hate each other anyways?" she always wondered why her best friend would get heated when the brunette was around. She assumed Perrie had a crush on her but it seems as if there was something underneath the tension the Geordies had.

"She plays around with girls and never once cares about how they feel. I'm just looking out for my fellow females." Perrie explained but Jesy wasn't convinced. Nodding to her statement not wanting to talk about Jade anymore she changes the subject with what they were going to eat for lunch.

Jade could feel Perrie's eyes on her as she flirted with who knows and decided to make eye contact to irk the blonde. Perrie being caught off guard looks at Jesy. Thinking the brunette had looked away she glances back and notices a mischievous smirk that makes Perrie's eyebrows knit together.

"Oh my god, Pez! You're not even listening to me. Let's just get lunch already." Jesy shook her best friend by the arms, turning her around and pushing her towards the cafeteria.

"Sorry Jes.." were the only words Perrie could say as they walk to the crowd of teenagers.


"I had fun last night Jade.." the girl with curls says seductively, running her finger up and down Jade's arm.

"Oh yeah?" Jade smirks, "You're quite a screamer." the brunette winks, melting the girl with curls legs. Leaning close, Jade whispers in her ear "I like screamers."

The girl with curls face turned bright red. Looking down trying to hide her flushed face but Jade knew what affect she had on girls. "Call me, when you need pleasuring babe." the brunette pats her head and walks away leaving the girl with curls heart throbbing.

Ever since Jade started high school girls were all over her. The second they found out about the member between her legs they couldn't get enough. It satisfied them and Jade. She liked how she had a reputation in making girls limp the day after spending the night with them. She was popular and everyone wanted to be her friend. She wasn't a bully but she would definitely laugh at you if you fell in front of the entire class.

"Mackenzie?! You fucked Mackenzie?" Leigh-Anne says a little too loud for Jade's liking.

"Tell the whole world won't ya?" the brunette takes a bite of her sandwich.

"Sorry.." Leigh-Anne whispers getting low looking around to see a few people staring.

Leigh-Anne was Jade's best friend. They instantly clicked the first day they met. Jade wouldn't deny it if you asked her if she has tried to get with Leigh-Anne but Leigh-Anne valued their friendship more to ruin it for a night with The Jade Thirlwall and Jade respected that. Ever since, they became closer and Jade was glad to have someone who didn't want her just for sex.

"She's very loud." Jade chuckled remembering the thought. "Nice body. Mole on her right tit."

"Stop that!" Leigh-Anne slaps her best friends arm receiving a wince from the brunette. "You're gonna get STD or something from banging all these girls. It's not healthy and you should really be using protection, Jade."

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