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Once they stepped foot in the apartment, they couldn't get their hands off of each other. While sucking each others tongues they stumble inside as they ripped each others clothes off. A trail of clothes lead to the dark bedroom with only the moon to help them see each others silhouettes.

They giggled as Jade tickled her with kisses. She silently thanked the alcohol for making them both so horny. "Oh Perrie, I've missed your body so much." she sucks on her neck, memorising her sweet spots.

"Jade please, hurry." she whines trying to grind her core onto Jade's bulge frustrated that she didn't pull her boxers off along with her pants.

Jade stared at her hard pink nipples. Her tongue wets her lips at the sight, "Tell me what you want." she sucked the pink bud while rolling and pinching the other with her fingertips.

Perrie was feeling too much pleasure to answer her so she moans and groans instead. Jade pulls her black underwear down her knees, a string of arousal latched onto the fabric. Jade groaned at the smell, she could almost taste it. She threw the piece of clothing somewhere across the room and watched as Perrie spread her legs open.

"You know what I want." Perrie pinched her own nipples as she saw Jade's prey like eyes unravel in front of her.

But Jade wasn't going to let her win. She jumps out of her boxers revealing her pulsing erection, the tip wet with precum. Perrie swallowed at the long rod. God, her pussy ached. She wanted a taste. She wanted it all.

Jade straddles her stomach and smeared her precum along Perrie's stomach. She moans at how hot it felt against her skin.

"Give it to me, I want it now." she begs and watches as Jade moves closer to her face. Her dick just an inch away from Perrie's face.

Jade licked her lips and lightly taps the head of her penis onto Perrie's plump lips. Perrie tries to catch it but Jade pulls it away before it could touch her tongue. She lets out a frustrated groan, "Do you want to suck it.." Jade's eyes were hooded and dark with lust but her voice was weak. Perrie nods, her bottom lip between her teeth and begging with her eyes.

She wraps the throbbing head with her lips and immediately licks the precum. "Oh fuck," Jade groans as the blonde licks her slit once more. While remaining eye contact, Perrie starts to take Jade an inch deeper until eventually the head poked the back of her throat.

Jade fought back to thrust her hips but when Perrie pulls her out with watery eyes and says "Don't hold back.", she doesn't have to be told twice. She gathers the blonde locks with one hand, tilts Perrie's chin up with the other and thrusts fast and hard until you could only hear squelching, gagging and groaning.

The filthy noises made Perrie's clit throb and just when Jade was about to cum she pulled out. Perrie whines at the loss of contact.

"You look so pretty like this." Jade suddenly says. A string of saliva and precum latched onto Perrie's tongue and the tip of her cock. She crawls down and spreads Perrie's core with her thumbs. Perrie swore she saw Jade's eyes spark when she saw how wet her pussy was.

"Are you aching?" she looks up, her eyes meet desperate ones.

"Mhm..." Perrie props herself up with her elbows and nods, not trusting her voice.

Jade smiles and then drags her tongue along Perrie's slit slowly. Her smile grows wider when Perrie falls back onto the bed and throws her head back with a loud moan. She slowly repeats her action to tease until she decides that Perrie has had enough.

She licks and flicks her tongue all over Perrie's dripping cunt while her nose bumps onto a painfully swollen looking clit making Perrie mewl. Her reaction sends Jade's attention back to the button. She starts to suck and nibble on the sensitive clit before slipping a finger or two inside and curling them, hitting a spot she knew had Perrie trembling for more.

"F-Fuck.. Jade." she tangles her fingers onto Jade's curly hair and tugs while she grinds her cunt all over Jade's face who hums in delight. Her dick twitched against her stomach as she worked her baby up, "Are you close?"

"I- Oh fuck.." Jade pulls away from Perrie's cunt and smiles innocently at the confused blonde under her, "W-What?" Jade almost felt bad for not letting her cum so soon but she knew it would be worth it in the end.

There were almost tears in Perrie's eyes, her chest heaved as she whined. "Shh.. it'll be worth it baby, I promise." she leans in to kiss the corner of her eyes before kitty licking the freckle on her lip. She grabs her shaft and rubs the head of her dick onto her clit.

Perrie whines louder. Her hips starts to jerk up to add more friction while Jade watches her. She looked so fucking good rolling her hips to pleasure herself. Her eyes shut close while her hands gripped onto the pillow that laid on either side of her head.

Jade presses her hips down onto the bed to stop her from moving making Perrie snaps her eyes open, only to see Jade lean in to kiss her. Jade pulls away slightly and looks at the now dark blue eyes as she finally slid her cock inside her soaking cunt. Profanities leave their mouths naturally.

It felt like electricity, Perrie thought. A good kind of shock that travelled throughout her body so perfectly. But she wanted more, and so did Jade. Their hips move in sync, fucking each other; slowly for a minute but eventually fast and hard, just wanting to release.

Jade didn't remember Perrie being so loud while they fucked. She studied the freckled face while she jerked her hips as fast and hard as she could inside Perrie's tight walls. Her eyes trailed down to Perrie's hickey filled neck then to her chest where a coat of sweat glistened under the moonlight and Jade wondered how she still looked so beautiful while she's being fucked relentlessly.

Perrie's thighs started to shake and Jade could feel her wall tighten around her shaft with each thrust. She was ready to release. Jade leans in when Perrie brings her arms around her neck and pulls her close so their chests were now touching. She smiles when she feels and hears how fast Perrie's heart was beating.

A few more thrusts and Perrie was moaning her name. Jade wasn't far from her own orgasm, she slams her dick one last time before hot ropes of cum filled Perrie's cunt.

The blonde found it somewhat comforting when the brunette collapsed onto her chest. Her weight and heavy panting sent an exhausted smile on her lips. They lay in silence for what seemed like hours until Jade pulled her limp cock out and lays next to Perrie who groaned at the sudden feel of emptiness.

Jade chuckled lightly, "I thought you passed out."

"I thought you passed out." the blonde smiled back.

They laugh tiredly before Jade scoots close to Perrie and turns to her side. Perrie mirrors her action and rests her cheek onto her hands as they stare into each others eyes. The room was dark but their love was bright.

"Were you always that loud when we fucked?" Jade suddenly asks recalling how surpringly loud Perrie was not too long ago.

Perrie brings her hands to cover her face in embarrassment after shoving Jade's shoulder lightly, "You're annoying."

Jade grins and moves her hands away from her face, "Come here." she sits up and pulls the blanket onto their naked bodies and pulls Perrie into her arms.

"I love you." Jade whispers while moving the blonde's hair away from her face. A hint of pink makes itself known on Perrie's freckled face when she feels Jade kiss the top of her head.

"I love you more." Perrie manages to whisper back before dozing off to sleep.


Finally, a smutty chapter haha. It's been a while since I wrote smut so I hope it wasn't too shabby lmao

Unfortunately, this story is coming to an end.. </3 but that doesn't mean I don't have any more ideas for a new book, so follow me for some updates :3

Thank you for voting, commenting and reading! :) xx

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