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"Fuck my life." I whisper to myself when I see Leigh marching towards me. I've been avoiding her phone calls and text messages ever since Friday night.

"I don't care, explain." Leigh huffs. She crosses her arms and I can tell she's upset since I didn't explain anything to her that night she followed me. I hate looking and feeling vulnerable especially in front of my friends.

"Alright alright, can we go somewhere private?" I say in a very low voice almost a whisper and pull her behind the school building. Almost nobody comes here, maybe a few stoners once in a while or a few high school lovers to make out but right now nobody is here.

I took a deep breath looked at Leigh-Anne. Her eyebrow raised waiting for me to explain.

"We dated and I kinda fell for her.." how do I explain this without sounding like a loser? "I think she did too.. If it wasn't all a lie." a nervous laugh coming out of my mouth, "The summer before we started high school we took each others virginity but she left me after everything. I opened up to her and she ignored me, avoided me and flat out acted like we- I never existed. That's when I started fucking every girl I could possibly be with." I fidget with my fingers before looking up meeting her very, very shocked eyes.

"What the fuck.." was the only words she could say. "This explains everything." her hands now on her head "So you weren't just born a fuckgirl." she gasps and I let out a nervous laugh that may have sounded a little fake.

"Don't tell anyone. I don't want it going around and shit."

"I wouldn't tell a soul." Leigh-Anne crossed her heart smiling. "But you should talk to her."

I groan, in all the years I've been friends with Leigh she was always right about these things. "I knew you were going to say that." sighing as I feel my shoulders drop.

"It's the right thing to do. You two need closure and you two clearly have issues that need to be fixed."

"Ugh, can we just get to class now. I told you everything." I shrug. I don't want to talk about this anymore, it feels like there's a lump in my throat and my stomach starts to turn.

she fake gasps "I can't believe Jade Thirlwall wants to go to class."

I can only roll my eyes before we start walking to class but of course, we bump into the last person I want to see right now. The familiar feeling of the lump on my throat comes back and my head is filled with guilt when I see that her eyes are a little puffy with a hint of red around each ocean coloured eyes.

"Let's go, Pez." Jesy says pulling the blonde closer to her and walking pass us. Still her eyes never met mine.

"Perrie, wait." My mouth moving on its own.
Fuck. Why did I say that. I have no idea what to say or do right now.

"I don't want to hear it." she croaks. Her voice sounds like she hasn't talked for days or she's been sobbing for days. Either way it's hard to hear.

I grab her wrist before she can walk away and I suddenly feel like I'm in a movie. Corny as fuck because like in the movies, my body did it by itself. "C-Can we talk?"

Did I just stutter?

Perrie tries to break free from my grip so I hold tighter but not tight enough to hurt her. Her skin is so soft and I can't believe I'm thinking about how soft her skin is at a time like this.

"Let go." she says weakly and the turning of my insides start again. I'm hurting her. Not physically but emotionally.

"No. Not until you agree to talk to me." I don't even know what I'm going to say if she does agree to talk to me. Her head hung low and I have never wanted to look at her annoyingly gorgeous eyes. What's gotten into me? Was it that slap that turned me over. I'm a little disgusted with myself right now.

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