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"Shit!" Jade cursed and jumped off Lauren to follow the blonde but a hand on her wrist stops her, she pauses and looks at Lauren with furrowed eyebrows, "Are you serious?" Lauren says looking almost sober at the shock of what just happened. Jade doesn't say anything and yanks her hand away from the grip and ran towards her girlfriend. "Perrie! If you let me explain to you! It really wasn't what it looked like!" she shouted.

Perrie was sobbing uncontrollably. It was getting hard to breathe and she was stumbling every second as the alcohol continued to run through her body. Her arm covered her eyes and she walked with no destination getting slower with each step. Her body felt weak and just as heavy as her eyes and heart.

Jade's chest heaved as her heart raced in a rapid pace. When she was finally right behind Perrie, Perrie stopped and turned to the latter. "You asshole!" Perrie yelled and smacked Jade's chest. The brunette stood still and let Perrie hammer her fists onto her chest. They were far from the house by now. They stood alone in the dark with only a lamp post to give them light. "You cheating prick! I knew you'd return to the way you were! Why did I believe that you changed!"

Jade stops her hand from slapping her face by grabbing her wrist and pulling, forcing her to look into her eyes. "Let me explain." she says softly. The sight of her perfect face made Perrie breathless and she almost forgot what happened.

They locked eyes for what felt like years before Perrie shook her head trying to remember why she was upset in the first place but stumbles feeling dizzy. Jade grips on her elbow to support her and took a deep breath "You're too drunk right now. We'll talk in the morning, let's get you home first." the hand on her elbow travels down to her waist. Tears roll down Perrie's eyes again and her sniffing caught Jade's attention. "I can't go home b-because of my parents and they can't see you.. but that doesn't matter anymore because you just c-cheated on me and.. and, I'm going to have to go back to fake hating you all senior year!" she sobbed hiccuping after every other word and practically ugly crying.

Jade couldn't help but laugh at the sight, "W-Why are you laughing?!" she let out a shaky breath and threw another weak punch on Jade's chest who wiped the tears mixed with mascara from her cheeks before lifting her head up so Perrie's eyes met her own. "I'd never cheat on you, Perrie believe and trust me. We can go to mine tonight, is that alright with you?"

Perrie too drunk out of her mind could only nod before Jade pulls her into a hug and kisses her forehead then giving her a piggy back all the way back to the party where Chris was helping Jesy in his car. "Mind if you drive us back to mine?" Chris looks at a passed out Perrie with smudged make up and still wet cheeks, "Hop in."
Before Jade could get in the car she catches a glimpse of Harry talking to a now clothed Lauren, he looks up at Jade then back at Lauren before walking inside. The exchange they had looked ominous and Jade couldn't help but wonder if Harry had something to do with this.

She safely placed Perrie's head on her shoulder until they reached her house, "Thanks, mate. I owe you one." Jade gives Chris a handshake and off they went. Not a single light was on in Jade's house so she assumed her mum and her brother had went to bed already. She managed to open the door without making a sound and made her way to her room with Perrie on her back.

"What a mess." Jade whispers to herself when she recalls the unfortunate event that happened just about an hour ago and looked at a sleeping Perrie on her bed. She grabbed a pair of sweats and a baggy shirt then tugged on Perrie's tight dress.

"Wha-" Perrie's eyes shot open when she felt the tugging, "What are you doing?" she said in a hoarse voice, weakly pulling away from Jade's touch. She winced at the pounding of her head.

"Relax. I'm not going to do anything, just put on some comfortable clothes." she looks at her with serious eyes and Perrie nods stripping out of her dress and quickly putting on the set that Jade gave her. Jade gulped at the sight, and to think she would have gotten laid tonight if she wasn't such an idiot. She stood up to put on some comfortable clothes herself and then reached out for some wet wipes in her drawer. "Here." she started to wipe the make up off Perrie's face and tears started to fall from her eyes again.

"Why are you crying?" Jade whispered as she wiped Perrie's cheek revealing her freckles along with flushed skin, she really is like a kid sometimes Jade thought.
"I don't know." Perrie sniffed, she honestly didn't know what to believe. Jade was so sweet to her and deep down she'd like to believe that it really was just a misunderstanding. She tried to make up different scenarios in her head to how they would have ended up in that position but each scenario lead to them having sex and it crushed her heart. Even in times like this Jade was always thoughtful and continued to clean Perrie's face.

"I wasn't going to sleep with her, Perrie. She wanted to but I told her I was with you. Please believe me. She pinned me down, I panicked and went on top of her to stop her. Now that I'm saying it.. I should have just pushed her away and left but I promise you, we didn't do anything. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally." Jade took her hands and kneeled in front of her as she sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry for making you cry."

"Who was she.." Perrie sniffed and tucked a wet strand of hair from her tears behind her ear. Jade shifted her eyes and cleared her throat, "We used to have a friends with benefits kind of thing but it's all over now that's in the past. I want to be with you and only you." she looked up at Perrie with pleading eyes.

Perrie felt another dagger stab her heart. Somehow, she felt that it'll take her forever until she could get used to the fact that Jade was a complete player before they started going out. But relationships take time and effort along with communication, so she tried her best to believe it. Even if it wasn't true she doesn't think she could ever let go of Jade, again.

She sighs and nods not wanting to talk about anything anymore until tomorrow morning when her head was clear and not in so much pain. She watches as Jade pulls her nightstand drawer and opens a bottle of water, it looked like that drawer had everything in it. "Drink some water and get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning." Perrie chugged the water not realising how dehydrated she was and slipped under the sheets. She didn't feel Jade on the bed so she looks up to see her on her way to the door.
"Where are you going?" she asks quietly.
"To the guest room."
"I thought maybe you wanted some space before we talk things out tomorrow." Jade watched as Perrie fidgets under the sheets, "Can you uhm, stay here with me.. for a while." Jade's lips formed a small smile before walking towards the bed and sliding beside Perrie. Naturally she wrapped her arm around Perrie who fixed her head onto her chest. Perrie could hear Jade's heartbeat and almost wanted to cry again. She's an emotional wreck. She thought that Jade was handling this really well but the sound of how fast her heart was beating told Perrie she was keeping it all in. A soft hand rubbed her arm to soothe her and that was the last thing she felt before she fell fast asleep.


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