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There was a comfortable silence in the room that neither of them wanted to break. Perrie listened to her girlfriends heartbeat as it steadied. She'd never get tired of listening to her heart. After a long silence of being in each others arms, Jade shuffles under Perrie's touch "You know, Karl was really excited to see you again." she pokes the freckled cheek where a dimple appeared.

"I missed him. He's still the same after all these years." Jade chuckles at the fact, she was right. "I'm sorry for getting really drunk last night." Perrie softly says, regretting the way she reacted throughout the party. Jade hugs her tighter and sighs, "Don't be sorry, I like drunk you. Drunk you likes to dance." she teases. Perrie blushes recalling herself grinding on Jesy, she covers her face with her hands. "Don't remind me."

Jade only laughs before snuggling her closer and showering her with kisses, "I have to go soon, my parents still think I'm at Jesy's." Perrie says when she notices that it's almost 5pm. She's been at Jade's all day and if she stays any longer she knows she won't want to leave.

"Don't go, stay here and kiss me." Jade whines, her lips still against Perrie's cheek. Perrie forces herself to pull away with a sweet laugh, "You're gonna get me killed."

"Let's run away together, we can fake our deaths and live together forever." Jade sits up when Perrie hops off the bed and pulls on her underwear. "You're insane." she giggles.

As she clasps her bra together and couldn't help but notice how awfully quiet Jade was, she turns around and sees Jade's eye on the lower half of her body. She clears her throat making brown eyes dart back at hers with a cheeky grin. "Pervert." she rolls her eyes and puts on Jade's clothes as if it were hers.

Jade eventually stands up and puts on some clothes too, "I'll see you on Monday?" Perrie wraps her arms around Jade's neck and pecks her lips. They stay in this position for a while with the brunette's arms on her waist. "Actually, I won't be here next week." Jade looks away from Perrie's ocean coloured eyes. The blonde raises an eyebrow in confusion, "Where are you going?" she plays with the soft little baby hairs at the back of Jade's neck.

"I'm visiting my dad." Jade smiles at Perrie, but it was a smile the blonde couldn't recognise.

"How is he? You haven't talked about him at all.."

"He's alright." Jade's short answers gave the hint that she doesn't want to talk about him too much. Perrie hums at her answer, she wished that Jade would talk to her more about how she felt and what she was thinking but she doesn't want to put her in any uncomfortable situations.

"I'll see you the following week then?" Perrie tilts her head and gives Jade an innocent smile. Jade pokes her dimple, "Yeah." she smiles back.

"I'll miss you, call me everyday." she pulls her into a tight hug. "I will. I'll miss you too." Jade whispers into the hug. They make their way downstairs where Karl says his goodbye to Perrie.

"Oh shit." Jade slaps her forehead when realisation struck her, "My car is still at Alex's. I'll walk you down."

Perrie doesn't decline because she won't see Jade for a whole week. They haven't been apart for that long, but it won't be so bad right? They walk to Perrie's house with their fingers intertwined, "Call me everyday or just text me. Is there good reception over there? If not you need to tell me, but also have fun with your dad. You don't see him often." Perrie swung their locked hands between them.

Jade laughs at Perrie's clinginess and nods at everything she says, "Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as you know it." they stop at the usual blind spot near Perrie's house.

Perrie looks at the brunette one last time as if she won't see her again and studies every feature. She stared long at her golden brown eyes that look like marbles and kisses her softly once more. "Text or call me!" Perrie pulls away and starts to jog without looking away from the curly haired brunette who stood in place with her hands in her pocket.

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