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"Good morning." Harry smirked at Perrie who sat in the passenger seat. She buckles her seatbelt and looks out the window without saying a word, "Not a morning person, are you?"

The car ride was surprisingly not awkward and it wasn't long until they reached the school building. Grabbing her bag, Perrie leaves his car but stops when she noticed him following her, "What are you doing?" she finally spoke.

"I'd like to walk my fiancée inside, is there a problem with that?" Harry smiled. He was doing this purely out of spite. He wanted Jade to see them together. He wanted the school to see them together. And it worried Perrie, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. So she sped up her walking and rushed into the school while he trailed behind her like a dog.

She heard whispers and murmurs around her as they walked. From the way he was greeting a few students and even teachers it looked like he was well known in her school.

"You can go now." Perrie turns to Harry when she sees Jade in the distance, worried what she might do if she sees them together.

"Why?" Harry looked ahead and noticed Jade walking towards them. An annoying and smug smile tugged his lips.

"Why are you here?" Jade asked pulling Perrie's waist close to her.

"Just walking my fiancée to school." Jade twitched at the word 'fiancée' but decided to not make any comments on it.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class." she says to Perrie who nodded with a smile and completely ignoring Harry.

"Styles?" a hand gripped Harry's shoulder a little too tight making him wince in pain, "Oi!" he yelled with anger turning to see who's hand was on him but crumbling at the sight, "Andre.. hey." he nervously gulped. Behind Andre was Alex and Chris who were without a doubt a lot bigger than him.

"Are you here to throw another punch at Jade?" Andre cocked an eyebrow, intimidating Harry.

"I was just about to leave." he clears his throat avoiding Andre's questions and turning to Perrie, "I'll pick you up after school." he quickly says before walking past the three guys and out of the building.

"What was he doing here?" Andre asks, "And why is he picking you up after school?"

Perrie sighs at the three confused guys in front of them, "It's a long story." she shook her head not wanting to explain everything. She didn't even like thinking about it. "How does everyone know him?" Perrie questioned.

"Don't even get me started with that guy. He was kicked out of here last year, I don't exactly know the reason since there's been a lot of rumours but his rich parents covered it up and now he goes to a private school or something. You really must have been living under a rock to not know that." Andre explained.

"He's a douche and you should've called us when he threw a punch at Jade. I wish I was there yesterday to beat the living day lights out of him." Chris cracked his knuckles. It looks like Jade had told them about what happened yesterday.

"I think he's alright." Alex shrugged but everyone gives him a look that immediately makes him change his mind, "He's alright for a loser..." he scratched the back of his neck making the rest shake their head.

They separate to get to their classes leaving Jade and Perrie alone, "How's your face?" Perrie looked at Jade's cheek that was now starting to swell with a hint of purple in colour.

"It's alright, it doesn't really hurt." Jade shrugged, her arm around Perrie's shoulder as they walk to the classroom. "He didn't touch you did he?"

"No but.. he did tell me some things." Perrie began.

"Like what?"

"Things about you and Lauren." Jade froze at her words, stopping completely.

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