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"Did I hear you right?" Jade's voice was unrecognisable and was filled with seriousness and almost anger. "You're getting married?"

"Are you mad?"

"Yes! Fuck, no... I don't know." her voice was loud but eventually died down, "It's a lot to take in." she sighed.

They sat in the room that was once filled with love and laughter now filled with sorrow and silence. After a moment, Jade realised that this situation is worse on Perrie's side. She turned to comfort her and quickly wrapped her arms around her slender figure when she sees the blonde sobbing. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't heard her girlfriend cry.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I'm not mad at you." She pulls Perrie's head in her chest and kisses the top of her head.

"I should have been more careful." Perrie cried, unlike Jade whenever she cried, she would give it her all.

Jade pets her head, "We'll think of something, okay?" she whispered.

"What if I have to get married to him?" Perrie pulls away to look at Jade's eyes hopingly.

"Hey, don't talk like that. You're not going to. I'll kill him with my bare hands if he even touches you." Jade playfully says as she rubs their noses together and Perrie smiled. "I won't let that happen."

Perrie nods having a little hope. They both stand up when they hear the front door open, "Pezza! Home time!" Chris yells from downstairs as if she was ten years old and past her play time.

"Don't you ever heard of knocking?" Jade asked him sarcastically while holding Perrie close.

"Never heard of that," Chris jokingly replies before reluctantly looking at Perrie's noticeable tears that she quickly wiped away, "Aye, you alright Pez?" he asked with concern. She nods and Jade shakes her head signalling him to not ask anymore questions.

"I'll wait in the car with Jes." he pats her head and left the lovers alone to say their goodbyes.

"We'll get through this, okay?" Jade cups her face with both of her hands and squishes her cheeks together, "Hey, don't give me that look."

Perrie's subconciously pouts as she tries to hold in her tears once more and Jade kisses her softly. Running her tongue across her bottom lip slowly and pulling her body closer so there was no space between them. "Okay." Perrie looks deep in her eyes.

Jade half laughed and half sighed at how cute she looked with her cheeks pushed up. She clears her throat and guides Perrie outside, "Now go before I pin you down again." Jade teasingly growls causing the blonde to yelp. She slaps her girlfriends ass as she makes her way to Chris' car, "Jade!" she blushes knowing Jesy and Chris saw Jade's naughty actions.

Jade only grins back before the car finally left her sight. Then, the corners of her lips dropped and her heart was in pieces. Making her way to her room she shuts the door and lays on her bed. She stared at the ceiling and can't help the tears falling down her cheeks.


It's been about two weeks since the last time Perrie had been to Jade's house. Though Jade said that they would talk about a way to figure things out, they hadn't even mentioned it since then, both unsure of what to say. There was a voice at the back of their heads saying that their time together would end soon but still held onto the hope that maybe this arranged marriage would be forgotten. It was suddenly an unspoken rule to not talk about the future since it saddened them both. On the other hand, Perrie's mother had been very pleased with the lie her daughter had told her and was a lot more caring since she believed it. Perrie continued to keep the lie going and tried to avoid any questions about the arranged marriage, hoping they would set it back or once again, maybe forget about it. But they didn't. Perrie's father had told her about some rules they were going to have in the house and of course she wasn't pleased with them. She felt like a prisoner.

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