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Monday morning. Jade was up early and for a good reason. She hasn't been late to school ever since, well, Perrie. The blonde had always been very good in school, never once missed a class and always had her assignments and homework done. She's the complete opposite of Jade when it comes to school and maybe in general.

The curly haired brunette walked to the quiet part of the school under the stairs near the janitors closet where they put all the dusty benches and broken tables. This is where they usually stay until class starts. She looks around to see if anyone was there. There's no sign of anyone so she sits under the stairs and leans on the wall. Just when she's about to pull out her phone a soft angelic voice spoke, "Morning."

She looks up to see the girl she's been missing all weekend and smiles. "Morning, baby." Jade fixes herself to stand but stops when Perrie straddles her lap. The brunette cocks an eyebrow, Perrie was never one to make bold moves.

She wraps her arms around Jade's neck. She connects their lips and pushes her chest against her own. The kiss was broken when they parted to get some air.

"What was that for?" Jade breathes out, not complaining.

"I just missed you." she smiles but it's not the sweet Perrie smile. They stay in the same position for awhile talking about their weekend and Jade making dumb comments to make her laugh. The brunette asks her if she's still in pain and she tells her that it isn't so bad today. The marks on her neck isn't as visible anymore but the foundation looks like it's helping more than time.

"Class is about to start." the blonde pouts after looking at the time on her phone. Jade throws her head back and groans, "Stay here with me, let's skip class." she tries to convince the straight A student but knows her too well, she'll never skip class.

"Stop skipping class, It's not good for your attendance." she lightly slaps the brunette's arm before getting up. Jade's thighs suddenly feel cold from her absence so she stands with her. Before the brunette can make any more moves on her, Perrie beats her to it and pushes her against the wall. Jade's eyebrows almost reach her hairline. When was she suddenly the dominant one in the relationship?

"I need to tell you something." she looks anywhere but the golden brown eyes and her hand on the impressive abs. Jade tilts her head from the sudden change of mood.
"What's up?" Jade pulls her close and lets her hand travel slowly down her ass. She doesn't seem to mind it so Jade keeps them there.

"Well, you see..." she looks for the right words to say, ".. Jesy kind of knows about us, I didn't tell her I swear! She guessed and she can see through me sometimes." she mumbles fast, her head hung low and Jade bites the insides of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling.

"I think everyone can see through you sometimes." Jade takes her chin and pulls her head up but their eyes still don't meet.

"You're not mad?" she continues to mumble.

"Why would I be mad? I actually think we should tell our friends soon."

"I thought you didn't want your reputation to be ruined by dating someone like me." she insecurily says. Jade shakes her head in disbelief, Perrie was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever met, heck, she is the most beautiful girl she has ever met.

"Pez, you're perfect. And I don't care about that anymore, I've got you." she smiles at the insecure blonde, "Does this mean I can call you my girlfriend now?" she cups Perrie's cheeks.

"I guesh." her words sound slurred because Jade is squeezing her face. The brunette pecks her lips before hugging her, "Do you wanna tell them today?

"At lunch?" Jade nods with a smile on her face and kisses Perrie one last time before they part ways.


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