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Perrie lets go of Jade's hands and cups her cheeks. She sniffs her tears away before leaning in to finally locking their lips together. The lips that she desperately craved were finally on hers. She could taste the salt from her tears but it didn't matter. Nothing will stop her from kissing the love of her life. Their lips moved slowly until Jade broke the kiss with hooded eyes and smiled. That smile that had Perrie head over heels, that smile that she couldn't say no to and that smile that made her fall in love all over again.

"Can we start over?" Jade asked with hopeful eyes despite knowing the answer.

Their foreheads touched and Perrie leaned in once more, kissing her slowly and then licking Jade's bottom lip ever so lightly, it drove the brunette insane. "Does that answer your question?"

"I don't know, I didn't quite catch that." Jade smirked with mischievous eyes, "You might have to do it again." she leans in again but halts when Perrie giggles and pushes her lightly on the shoulder.

"You're still so annoying." she looks away with rosy cheeks. Talking to Jade made her act like a coy teenager but she didn't mind it. 

"And you still owe me 50 cents." Jade teased still trying to catch Perrie's lips with her own.

"Oh my god, how do you remember that."

"You can pay me back with a kiss."

Perrie darts her eyes at Jade's lips and pecked it as fast as she could to tease the brunette but ended up melting when Jade wouldn't let her lips go. They kissed hungrily, pulling each other closer until Jade was hovering over the blonde. Perrie lets out a soft moan when she feels Jade's bulge on her sensitive core. Jade suddenly pulls away and stares at the ocean eyes.

"What's wrong?" Perrie swallowed. She examines her face in hopes she hadn't done something wrong.

"I just missed you." Jade breathlessly says. Perrie's eyes softens as she wraps her arms around her slender neck. They kissed before Perrie could say it back but it didn't matter, because Jade knew. She could tell by the way Perrie bit the bottom of her lip and the way she pulled the baby hairs at the nape of her neck that she missed her just as much. Just like how her tiny whimpers showed Jade how much her touch affected her.

They spent the entire day in each others arms talking and kissing and touching. They couldn't get enough of each other. Jade even held her pee so she didn't have to leave Perrie's side. They treated the day like it was their last time seeing each other. Telling one another cheesy things that you only hear in movies and touching each other but controlling themselves before things got out of hand. They watched movies that they've already seen before so they didn't have to focus as much because they wanted each others attention.

When the sun finally set, they were under a blanket with their arms around each other. Perrie rested her head on Jade's chest, hearing her heartbeat while Jade rested her chin on Perrie's head. Comfortable on the couch, Perrie was reluctant to ask Jade if she was going to go home soon.

"Do you have somewhere to be tomorrow? I don't want to keep you for so long.." Perrie fidgetted with the blanket. She hoped that Jade wouldn't leave so soon but she'd feel guilty if she had something important to do the next day.

"Tomorrow night I have a gig at the bar I work at, are you free?"

"A gig? Is that what you do now?" Perrie was surprised. She looks up at Jade and cocks an eyebrow.

Jade smiles, "I was only meant to fill in for a member who was sick at the time but he ended up quiting. I figured since I was always at the bar and they were our regular band, it wouldn't hurt to play once in a while with them. Plus, I get more tips than usual whenever I'm on stage."

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