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Jade watched the blonde girl peacefully sleeping beside her. Her cheeks were still slightly flushed from last night and the marks on her neck and collarbones were noticeable. Jade knew she was going to get scolded for the marks she created but she didn't care. It was worth it.

"Morning." Jade's voice was raspy and her morning voice was as sexy as ever. Perrie's eyes opened slowly, she felt like she was still dreaming. She shook the tiredness away and pulled the blanket to cover her face, embarrassed for whatever reason.

"Morning." Perrie mumbled through the sheets. Jade chuckled pulling the blanket away and burying her face between where the blonde's neck and shoulders lay. "I've seen all of you already. There's no reason to hide."

"I know.." Perrie says playing with a strand of curly brown hair. Jade's hair was big and fluffy like a lions mane and Perrie loved it. She started to massage the brunette's head making Jade hum at the feeling. It was relaxing and nobody had ever been so gentle and sweet to her before. She was falling for Perrie all over again but the thought of her leaving after they spent the night together worried her. She pulled the ivory skinned girl's waist tighter. Perrie noticed and held her closer. "Perrie," she looks up at the blonde "Never mind." Jade gave her a small smile before returning back to her neck pecking the bruises she left. Perrie didn't think much of it and let her snuggle close.

Their morning was ruined by the sudden sound of the default iPhone ringtone. They both groaned pulling away from each other. Perrie sat up but the pain between her legs stopped her from standing up. She forgot how Jade was known for making girls limp and cursed herself in the head. "You alright?" Jade says with worry in her eyes forgetting about the call on the phone when she saw the girl struggling. She tried to be as gentle as she could last night but she couldn't really do anything about her size. "Y-Yeah.." Perrie winced in pain. Jade jumped off the bed to put some clothes on before helping Perrie put on her shirt. While sitting down Jade managed to help her put her panties on too.

"Thanks." Perrie was still embarrassed and the colour of her cheeks helped her show it.

"Can you walk?" Jade took her hand as she stood up, "Yeah. It just hurts a little." and by a little she meant a lot. "I tried to be gentle, sorry." the brunette had never been so worried about a girl after sex but then again Perrie have made her feel things she had never felt before.

"Don't apologise, I'll be fine." Perrie wrapped her arms around Jade's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. "Wanna shower together?" the brunette's eyebrows wiggled her eyebrows and the puppy loving Jade had left leaving the flirty smug Jade back in action.

"Shut up." Perrie pushed her chest lightly and started to limp to the bathroom. Jade held her waist to support her while they made their way to the bathroom. The second Perrie saw her neck in the mirror her eyes widened in shock "Jade!"

"Do you like my work of art?" she grinned looking at the shocked girl in the mirror. Perrie could only glare back before running her fingers on the purple marks, "You're lucky you're cute."

"You think I'm cute?" Jade's grin couldn't get any wider causing the blonde to roll her eyes and fight the smile that wanted to form on her lips.

The brunette turned the shower on and started to strip. Perrie's eyes immediately shot down at the semi hard member that hung between her thighs and even though the pain between her own was hard to ignore, she wouldn't mind being in pain again. She eyed the tanned body behind her through the mirror. Perrie couldn't help but to have flashbacks of last night, her face burned from the thought.

"Don't know why we even put clothes on when they're coming off anyways." Jade laughed to herself hopping in the shower and gaining a giggle from Perrie. "What are you waiting for? Strip, baby girl." the brunette peaked through the shower curtain.

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