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It's been three days since Perrie and Jade had went public with their relationship and a lot of people had been harassing Perrie since then. She ignored it though not wanting to cause any trouble and make a scene but the comments were slowly getting to her. The week hasn't even ended yet and it was already as bad as someone trying to trip her and vandalize her things when she wasn't looking. She thought that things like this only happened in movies and never would have thought that she would be getting bullied to this extent. It wasn't only the girls who bothered her, but guys too. They would talk about how Perrie must be really good in bed for Jade to settle down. She felt uncomfortable and disgusted to think that she'll only be known as 'Jade's bitch' from now on. She of course expected these things to happen but now that it's been happening, it felt a little surreal.

Jade was too oblivious and clearly too whipped to know what was happening. The comments and looks would stop when Jade was with Perrie, like a shield. Perrie felt safe when Jade was with her because nobody dared to harass her but she knew that she won't have Jade with her 24/7 and that she shouldn't rely on her for safety.

It was study period and Perrie decided to go to the library since it's the only place where she can get some peace and quiet but she was greeted with a bear hug from behind startling her. Her reflex kicked in and she elbowed the latters stomach who let out a groan from the pain. Perrie's eyes widened when she sees her girlfriend crouch down holding her stomach, "Oh my god, baby are you okay?" she gasps and hugs the brunette who tries to shrug off the pain.

"I'm good.. didn't even feel it." Jade held her breath as she spoke trying to stand up straight and puffing her chest. Perrie giggled at the attempt and kissed her cheek. The brunette softens at the gesture and slowly and gently pushes her against one of the book shelves. She leans in and kisses the space below the blonde's earlobe, "How are you?" she whispers. Perrie felt shivers down her spine and subconciously let out a quiet moan. She felt Jade's smirk on her skin, "I'm guessing you're good."

"Oh shut up." Perrie rolls her eyes and walks away to sit on the usual chair she sat on. Jade followed and sat in front of her. Her chin laid on her palms a she watches the blonde, "Don't study." she says when she sees Perrie unpack her bag and opening a text book.

"I came here to study." she opens the book but a tan hand lands on the cover to stop her, "Let's just make out instead." a grin formed on her lips. Perrie glanced at her girlfriends lips, "Please?" Jade continues to persued the blonde.

Perrie shook her head and swatted her girlfriends hand away and proceeds to flip through the text book. Her face scrunched up as she tried to focus on the book. The brunette thought it was cute so she didn't bother her anymore and just continued to watch. Of course, Perrie felt her eyes on her. She sighed finally closed the book and looked up at Jade who had a face of success. "Make out time?" she grinned but before she could lean in a voice not so far made her stop.

"There's no way Jade would ever settle down, and for someone like Perrie Edwards? It's must be a sick joke, they hated each other not long ago. There's probably a catch to it."

"Some of the boys said that Perrie's really good at blowjobs and you know how Jade loves her blowjobs." they giggled.

Perrie's head hung low not wanting to see what Jade's face looked like. All thoughts ran through her head, she didn't even know how to give someone a blowjob. In fact, she's never given anyone a blowjob. She's sure that Jade wasn't satisfied with how her sex life is right now. Sure, they've only had sex twice and not so long ago but Jade used to have girls on her every second day or so and now she's with someone like her. Her face went pale and her mouth suddenly felt dry.

"Eric told me that Jade took Perrie's virginity but she took mine too so I don't know why she's so special." the voices continued and Perrie's head remained low. She felt insecure and slightly jealous.

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