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"I missed you so much." Jade whispers in her ear. Perrie couldn't get words out of her mouth knowing well enough that she might choke up and burst into tears. She puts her feet back on the ground and grabs Jade's face to look at her. Oh, how she missed this cocky, cute and beautiful face at the same time. "God, I missed you." Perrie says before connecting their lips.

They kiss each other until they hear Jesy clear her throat behind them, they break the kiss and look at Jesy. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I have to go meet Chris now.. Call me you're ready to go home Perrie." Jesy smiles.

"Thanks Jes, I owe you one." Perrie leaves her girlfriends touch for a split second to hug Jesy before she leaves. "I thought you were coming back tomorrow." Perrie's returns to Jade with arms wrapped around her neck while the tan hands gripped on her waist.

"I was but I missed you too much, I decided to surprise you with the help of Jesminda of course." Jade grins before pecking the freckle on Perrie's upper lip who couldn't stop smiling at Jade, "I also had a bad feeling, like you got hurt or something. I don't know I might sound crazy but I was just really worried about you." Perrie almost forgot about her situation because of how happy she was to see the brunette. Her eyes drop down which confirmed that Jade was right so she takes her hand and make their way to Jade's room.

"Did something happen?"

"How was your trip?" Perrie asks immediately after Jade finishes her question, trying to stall as long as possible.

"Hm.. it was good." Jade was now avoiding Perrie's eyes. It seems like the two had things they both didn't want to tell each other.

Like natural instincts, they laid on the bed with arms wrapped around each other. "Are you hiding something from me?" Perrie finally confronts, "I know you were with your family and all but you barely texted me or called while you were gone. I was worried something happened to you."

Jade stays silent for what felt like hours and Perrie was starting to get nervous, "Sorry, you don't have to answer.. I don't want to be too clingy."

"My dad's in a coma." Jade finally breaks her silence.

Perrie tenses in her arms with wide eyes, she sits up to look at Jade "I'm so sorry.." she tries her best to find the right words to comfort her but Jade has heard it all before. The brunette rubs the back of her hand on Perrie's cheek that sent shivers down the blonde's spine with a sad smile. "It's okay, I guess I should have told you a while ago. I don't know why I didn't."

Perrie leans over to press her lips on Jade's forehead where they then made their way to her right cheek before going to her chin and her left cheek, then her nose and finally her lips. Jade chuckles at the cute gesture. "You can tell me anything and everything, Jade. Don't hide anything from me, okay?" ocean eyes stare at golden ones.

Jade nods while Perrie puts her head back onto the space between her neck and shoulder, "After my parents divorced he got into a car crash which sent him to a coma. He's been in a coma for almost two years now and.." Jade swallows thickly at nothing and sighs before continuing, "The doctors told us that there's a high chance that if he does wake up he'll be brain dead and we can't afford to pay for his hospital bills anymore... so.."

Perrie scoots up from Jade's hold and switches their position instead when she hears Jade's shaky voice, she knows her girlfriend is trying to hold in her tears and she doesn't want that. She knows how much it hurts to keep everything in. "You are amazing, Jade. You're so strong for holding it all in but you don't have to for me. It's okay to be vulnerable in front of me." Perrie softly says as she ran her fingers through soft fluffy curls.

She didn't even realise Jade was already crying in her chest until she felt the damp fabric touch her skin. Perrie noted to herself that Jade is a silent crier, which for some reason broke her heart even more. Soon Jade's sniffing stopped while Perrie rubbed her back to calm her down. "Thanks," Jade pulls away from Perrie's chest "I ruined your shirt." she lets out a little chuckle that warmed Perrie's aching heart.

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