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Jade wasn't lying when she said that it would be crowded. The bar was flooded with people along with a long line outside the entrance.

"Are they all here to see you?" Perrie held Jade's hand as they walk past the line.

"Not me, the band." Jade smiled humbly and guides them to the back of the bar.

The security and staff lets Jade in smoothly after inspecting Perrie. It reminded the blonde of when they were in high school and everyone would take a second look at her after noticing that she had her fingers intertwined with Jade's. It was a strange feeling but she didn't mind it.

They make their way to a room filled with instruments, mirrors and men. There was a couch at the back of the room where Perrie noticed some familiar faces.

"Perrie, this is Jed." Jade introduced the dark haired boy smoking a cigarette to Perrie. She tried her best to not inhale so much of the smoke that had already fogged the entire room.

"Hey, we've met before!" Jed reached out to shake Perrie's hand, "You're for soulmates, aren't you." he winked at her. She blushed recalling the moment.

Jade wrapped her arm around Perrie's shoulder, "She's my soulmate." burrying her nose on Perrie's cheek and showering it with kisses.

Perrie turns bright red as Jade's friends continue to smile at her, "Jade.. stop." she quietly whines, embarrassed at the amount of attention they were getting. The guys start to laugh and tease the couple before a staff comes in the room and informs them that they'll be on in a few minutes.

Jade walks Perrie out and gets her a drink. "All your drinks will be on the house as long as you tell them you're with me." she winked.

"You just want me drunk, don't you?" Perrie laughed.

"Maybe.. Drunk Perrie is sexy and cute all at the same time."

"Is that so? Then what am I sober?" Perrie raised at eyebrow then puts the straw between her lips and innocently sucks on it while remaining eyecontact with Jade. The brunette groaned at the sight. Before she could reply with something that could make Perrie's heart skip a beat an old man taps her shoulder and whispers something in her ear.

"I gotta go, keep an eye out for me." she pecks Perrie on the lips tasting the beverage the blonde had been drinking.

"Good luck!" Perrie shouts as Jade runs out to where she needed to go. Perrie patiently waits on the stool of the bar. She was anxious to see Jade on stage, she didn't know what to expect and the longer she sat, the longer she anticipated. She cursed herself for forgetting to invite Alex since she's was a little bored now. The thought of Alex reminded her that she should thank him for everything he's done for her, so she texts him while she waits for the band to settle on stage.

As she types a rather long paragraph of how thankful she was of him, the mic feedback hits her ears and brings her attention on stage. She quickly clicks the send button before locking her phone and looking up to see Jade standing in the middle of the stage with no intrument on her but a glass of liquor in one hand. She only now realises that she's never asked what Jade's position was in the band but it looks like she was the lead singer.

"Hello hello.. Testing one two three." Jade taps the mic and speaks low while looking across the crowd. "How's everyone feelin' tonight?" she raises her voice and her glass. The crowd is loud and Perrie couldn't stop smiling. Jade looked so natural on stage, like she had been doing this all her life. Perrie admired how she interacted with the crowd effortlessly. She looked so alive and happy on stage.

While the band set things up, Jade made some casual jokes that had the crowd laughing. Even when she recieved some rather ignorant and rude jokes, she brushed them off swiftly. Never starting an argument.

"Tonight is a special night for me because the love of my life is here to watch me sing for the first time, so I'm a bit nervous." Jade clears her throat and glances at her feet once the crowd died down.

"Who's the special lady!" a voice at the back of the bar yells making Jade chuckle.

"I'd like to keep that to myself. People have a way of stealing her from me." Jade grins before finally making eye contact with Perrie not caring if it was obvious that the blonde was the special lady.

The band started off singing some classics and some covers but nothing original yet. Perrie was in awe throughout the entire performance, she couldn't believe how well Jade sung even if she was getting a little tipsy from drinking. She enjoyed every second of it, she was on her third glass and was dancing along with strangers while Jade jumped around the stage and interacted with the crowd and her band mates.

"Whew! That song was a tiring wasn't it?" Jade laughed after finishing a what seemed to be a very rock song. She pulls a tall stool from the side and brings it in the middle of the stage. "Let's get a little intimate." she wiggled her eyebrows as the crowed cooed and whistled.

"This last song is going to be a bit different from what we usually play. I wrote it about a special someone when I was going through a lot. So I dedicate this to her." Jade's eyes lock with Perrie's "This is called Only You."

Her eyes stuck on Perrie's as if they were the only ones in the room and she was sure Perrie felt it too.

"I'm broken here tonight and darling, no one else can fix me only you. Only you."

Jade closed her eyes to contain her tears while she sang to her hearts content but when she opened them again Perrie had let her own tears fall. She smiled at how adorable Perrie looked in the crowd and continued to sing to her and her only.

"And no one else can fix me.. Only you." Jade points at Perrie and ends the song with a light chuckle, slightly embarrassed at the atmosphere she created with her song. The crowd cheered louder than after all the previous songs she sung. "Thank you! Enjoy the rest of the night!" Jade chugged her drink and placed it on her head before bowing and leaving the stage.

She ran to Perrie after a large amount of pat in the backs and hugs from some locals. They praised her before going back to intoxicating themselves and getting lost in their own worlds.

Jade sneaks up behind Perrie and wraps her arms around her waist startling the blonde and almost choking on her drink, "Did you enjoy the show?" Jade rests her chin on Perrie's shoulder. The smell of her coconut shampoo mixed with her perfume and a hint of the alcohol Perrie had been drinking all night hits her nose.

Perrie flipped herself around, "I didn't know you could sing like that."

"And I didn't know your tolerance had gotten better. You're not stumbling like you usually would after a few glasses."

"Oh, stop it." Perrie rolled her eyes, "Thank you for inviting me to watch you."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Jade leans in and kisses Perrie sensually, tasting the alcohol on her tongue.

"Was that last song for me?" the blonde breaks the kiss.

"Who else would it be for?"

"I really liked it." Perrie sips on her drink with flushed cheeks. Maybe it was the alcohols doing but Jade couldn't tell.

"I'm glad you liked it. Now let's get out of here before I'm too drunk to drive."

"You don't want to stay with your friends for a bit?" Perrie tilts her head and damn did Jade think it was the cutest thing ever.

"I'd rather be alone with you right now." she bites her cheek lightly causing the blonde to giggle.

They rush out the bar ignorning the protest that Jade's friends made trying to make her from leaving and drove dangerously fast to Perrie's apartment.


Finally updated! I feel like I've been gone for too long so the next chapter will be uploaded real soon! Maybe tomorrow morning or later tonight hehe

Thank you for voting, commenting and reading! :) xx

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