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"What did she say?"

"Nothing important."

"Then why are you still smiling?"

The blonde didn't realise she was smiling until it was mentioned. Maybe she had been smiling too much since her cheeks started to feel a little sore. She tries to stop herself from smiling but her face feels permanently stuck.

"Oh my god, what did she do?" Jesy rolls her eyes. "I don't get you two at all. First you're insulting each other, then you're slapping each other and now you're flirting with each other."

"We're not flirting and I don't know what's with us right now." The blonde scratches her head. Things have been a little different between them. They used to hate seeing each other around but now it seems as if they don't mind being around each other at all.

"The fair is opening tonight, you ladies down for that?" a broad brunette swoops in from behind them.

"Tonight? It's a school night." Perrie thinks out loud.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun! We can all get cotton candy and go on the rides and play those rigged games and I'll win my Jesy a teddy bear and she thanks me and gives me a big smooch and tells me how I'm the only man for her and-"

"Get your head out of your ass." Jesy fake scolds but inside she's swooning at how cute her boyfriend is. They've been dating for a little over a year now. They fit so well and there are times where Perrie is jealous of their relationship. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and they've completely forgotten that Perrie is there.

Clearing her throat so their heads turn to her she replies "I'm not third wheeling."

"You won't be." Jesy shrugs "You can bring Thirlwall." a smirk landing on her face.

"Shut up." The blonde scoffs trying to sound uninterested but fails to do so "Is she going?"

Chris grins at her "Pezza has a girlfriend." he teases in a little jingle.

"Shut up." she says this time not mentioning Jade.

"Yeah, she'll be there. Alex was the one who told me about the fair tonight and if he's going, Jade is definitely going to be there." He's in the football team with Alex and Andre which makes him pretty close with their gang and that's exactly how Perrie would always bump into Jade.

"Fine but if you two leave me, I'll never talk to you guys again."

"Yes! First we couldn't get her to go anywhere because Jade was going to be there but now it's the opposite. She doesn't seem so bad after all." Jesy cheers causing Perrie pinch Chris making him wince in pain "Why me?!" he yells.

"You were closer." Perrie sticks her tongue out and the two continue to bicker.


The ride to the fair was another episode of Perrie third wheeling Jesy and Chris. It used to bother her when they first started going out but now she's used to it and it was clear that she's happy that Jesy finally found someone who treats her like she's supposed to be treated.

"It's packed so if you get lost just yell my name and I'll find you." Chris jokes as they get out of the car.

"You'd be the last person I'd yell out for." Perrie jokes back.

"The first person would be, Jade Th- Ow!" the blonde pinches his arm and they continue to bicker until Jesy scolds them for acting like kids, though they are going to a fair.

"Chris!" a voice from behind them yells. They turn around and to see two guys and two girls walking towards them. Perrie starts to panic when she realises it's Jade and her friends. "They're sticking with us tonight?" Jesy asks Chris.

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