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Perrie woke up to the ache and discomfort her neck was causing. She can barely remember what happened last night but flashbacks of Jade on top of a girl and her sobbing uncontrollably  appeared in her head. She turned to see that Jade was no longer beside her but a glass of water and some pain killers on the night stand caught her eye. She sat up slowly and cringed at the pain. She swallowed the pain killers along with the water before going to the bathroom to freshen up. She was a mess and she wasn't looking forward to bringing up what happened last night.

She takes careful steps down to the kitchen to look for Jade but accidentally bumps into a broad back, "Oh!" Perrie stumbles back but he catches her, "Perrie! It's so good to see you!" he says with open arms pulling her into a big bear hug, "Karl, it's been a while." she gives him a genuine smile. Jade's family has always welcomed her like she was a part of their own and it made her feel warm inside. "Look at you, you've grown so much!" he takes a good look at her, "They're in the kitchen." he pats her back before disappearing in a room that Perrie assumed was his. "They're?" Perrie whispers to herself in confusion.

Perrie awkwardly walks to the kitchen and froze in place. Her face went pale and her heart felt heavy. In the kitchen sat Jade and Lauren. They were across from each other and watched as Perrie stood not knowing what to do. Jade watched her every move and pulled the chair beside her lightly tapping it. Perrie made her way beside her with little steps. The atmosphere was tense and they all silently wished they weren't in this situation right now.

Blue eyes made contact with Lauren's who quickly looked away. She was stunned by how beautiful Perrie actually was and could see why Jade would settle for her, but Perrie had other thoughts in her mind. She studied Lauren's striking features. Dark hair, tall nose and green almost blue eyes like her own, she couldn't help but look at them. If Jade really did cheat, she understood why, Lauren is gorgeous.

"This is Lauren." Jade spoke breaking the awkward silence. The dark haired girl looks up to see that Perrie was still staring at her with an emotionless face. Her lips turns into a small guilt filled smile and Perrie sighs still not understanding why they're in this situation, "Why are we doing this?" she pinches the bridge of her nose, maybe from the slight pounding of her head or the fact that everything that has happened in the last 24 hours felt like a dream.

Jade reaches to put her hand on Perrie's thigh but she flinches at the touch resulting to the tan hand to set back on her own thigh. Lauren notices this and clears her throat, both eyes shoot up at her. "I came here to apologise for what happened last night. It wasn't Jade's fault, I was drunk and Jade was just trying to help me get somewhere safe but instead I pushed her into having-- into sleeping with me. I'm truly sorry for the misunderstanding." she holds her breath subconsciously y waiting for the blonde's reaction.

Jade's looks back at Perrie with hopeful eyes, "I understand." is the only two words she says. It was hard to read her face and the two dark haired girls glance at each other.

"You're not mad?" Lauren chewed on the bottom of her lip.

Perrie shakes her head and her lips formed a smile, "If anything I'm relieved." but deep inside there was a hint of distress. The sight she saw was something she never wants to see again.

Lauren lets out a deep breath and a laugh of relief, "Oh thank god, I didn't want your relationship to be ruined because of me." Perrie smiles sincerely, Lauren isn't how she expected her to be. "I'm truly sorry again for the misunderstanding. I honestly didn't believe Jade when she said she had a girlfriend but now I can see why she settled. You're gorgeous!" Lauren's nerves was washed away with a big smile.

"Thank you." Perrie felt like she could be friends with Lauren but she wouldn't push it. Jade hasn't said a single word since she last spoke and observed everything. She hesitates to put her hand on Perrie's thigh again but to her surprise Perrie puts her own on Jade's instead indicating that they were ok. Jade puts her hand on top of Perrie's and smiles. After a while of constant apologies from Lauren and Perrie assuring her that it was alright, just a big misunderstanding mixed with alcohol, Lauren went her own way leaving the girls alone.

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