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Jade was in a good mood all weekend, she woke up early to go to school which never really happens unless she's looking forward to something and she was. She was looking forward to seeing Perrie. But it looks like Perrie wasn't looking forward to seeing her. It was already lunch and she hasn't spotted Perrie anywhere. The day was almost over and not single sign of the blonde. She wondered if the blonde had regretted the kiss. Her leg bounced up and down as she sat at the regular lunch table with her friends.

Looking around she finally spots the blonde, they make eye contact before Perrie turns around walking the other direction. "Perrie!" Jade yells a little too loud causing people to look at her. She was too busy running after the blonde to notice.

"She's been acting really weird lately." Alex shakes his head before taking a big bite of his sandwich. "I think she likes Edwards." he says with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth." Leigh Anne scolds him before looking at the direction where Jade had ran.

Jade grabs the blonde's wrist stopping her from walking any further from her. "Why are you avoiding me? Do you regret kissing me?" the brunette breathes out hoping she wouldn't say she regretted it.

"No.." Perrie hesitates to continue. She pulls away from Jade's grip and looks around to see that people are staring at them. Perrie knew exactly why they were staring. For the past two weeks she had been ignoring all the comments, rumours and whispers about Jade and her. It bothered her but there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Then why are you running away from me?" Jade still not noticing the stares and whispers, or maybe she was used to it. Being one of the most popular girl in school, it almost felt normal for people to stare and talk about her everywhere she went.

Perrie not wanting anyone to hear pulls Jade somewhere where they can talk alone. She knew there was no point in running from Jade. "My mum saw us and my dad almost did. They're mad I didn't come home sooner and that I drank a little without them knowing."

Jade's frustrated face softens seeing that Perrie is genuinely worried about her parents finding out about them, "My mum told me I need to stay away from you before she tells my dad." the blonde was upset and was afraid her words or rather her mothers words had hurt the brunette just as much as it hurt her. Looking up Jade had an expressionless face. The blonde found it hard to read her.

"So you don't regret kissing me?" a smirk now landing on her lips hoping a little tease would make Perrie smile, and it worked but she shakes away the smile before replying, "I'm serious Jade."

Jade gives her that damn smile that makes her forget all her problems and her tensed body finally relaxes. "Don't worry so much, I know they don't like me." the brunette places her hand on Perrie's shoulder before pulling her close for a hug. Jade had been doing a lot of things out of character and this is definitely the most out of character thing she has done so far.

Perrie was taken aback but returned the hug. She tries to hide the fact that she was smelling Jade's hair but little did she know the brunette was doing the same.

After holding each other for moments, they broke apart. "They won't catch us in school. Unless they've got a spy." she jokingly says Perrie to giggle but stops herself as she bit her bottom lip. "What is it?"

"I don't know, what is this? What are we?" Perrie points at the little space between them. The brunette didn't say anything, she thought about what to say but hadn't a clue.

"What do you want it to be? What do you want us to be?"

Perrie hesitates, she didn't exactly know what she wanted them to be. She knew she wanted to see and talk and touch Jade but the opinion of others was also in her mind. She had always been like this and she wished she wasn't but she couldn't help it. She overthinks too much.

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