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The day went by fast and Perrie had told her parents that she was going to stay the night at Jesy's house. They have never said no to Jesy so Perrie knew that she was off the hook once again. Though Jade had told her they were just going to watch a movie Perrie couldn't help but feel anxious. She's only been in one relationships other than Jade and it was with a guy her parents basically forced her to date but only lasted for about a month.

Jade on the other hand, was invited to another one of Alex's party. She hasn't been going recently and when she did she would leave in the matter of seconds without a single drop of alcohol in her system. Her actions drove Alex crazy knowing she was basically the life of the party and when people, mostly girls, found out she wasn't going- his parties turned into more of a get together. Her excuse this time was that she was feeling under the weather but her enthusiastic tone didn't convince him.

Perrie's phone vibrates indicating that she had received a text. She grabs her phone and sees a text from Jade telling her that she was parked in the usual spot a few feet away from her house so her parents doesn't see her.

"Jesy's here! I'm heading out, love you!" Perrie yells as she quickly leaves the house hoping her parents didn't stop and question her. When she hears her parents yell their goodbye's from the sitting room she knew it was another successful night out.

Perrie couldn't help but skip over to the brunette who was casually leaning on the hood of her car with her hands in her pockets. She pulls her in a tight hug before giving her a peck on the lips. They were both excited to see each other once again and wasting no time, they hopped in the car.

The car ride wasn't awkward but the air wasn't light either. Jade could feel that the younger girl was tense and anxious about going to her house. In the years that they've been apart due to the miscommunications and misunderstandings, Jade had moved houses so the place would not be familiar to Perrie. She lived with her older brother and mother and when Perrie asked about her dad, Jade avoided it so she didn't push the conversation.
"They won't mind me staying, right?" Perrie nibbled the inside of her cheeks, her nerves increasing as they get closer to the house.

"Karl is at his girlfriends and my mum is out of town for the weekend, don't worry. We have the whole house to ourselves." she grips Perrie's thigh and gives her a wink.
"To watch a movie." Perrie states taking the brunette's hand from her thigh and holding it on her own. "Yep.. to watch a movie."

Minutes after singing to Lana Del Rey to calm Perrie's nerves, they reached the brunettes house. It wasn't as big as Perrie's but it was still pretty big. The house was clean but had a lot of things on the walls. "Make yourself at home while I make popcorn." Jade smiles gesturing the blonde to look around. She nods as a response and slowly walks around the house looking at pictures of Jade when she was younger. She noticed how there wasn't any pictures of her dad and it only made her more curious. When they were fourteen Jade's dad was her best friend and now it's like he never existed.

When Perrie found Jade's room it wasn't exactly what she expected it to be. It was neat and tidy. She had a long table with two screens connected to what seemed to be a really expensive computer used for gaming. There were pictures of her friends on one side of the wall and her bed was made neatly with white sheets. Perrie eyed the bed knowing there was an endless list of girls who have been on it but the white piano by the window distracted her from thinking more of it. That was the most surprising part of her room. She sat on the stool and pressed on a key before the smell of popcorn interrupted her thoughts. "Ready?"

"You still play?" Perrie says as she tries to fight the urge to eat the bowl of popcorn in the hands of Jade.

The brunette let out a chuckle before placing the bowl of popcorn on her bed and opening one of her drawers. "Kinda.. you remembered?" the blonde watched her as she suddenly strips taking off her jeans leaving her in her shirt and boxers. Perrie could feel the heat from her face move up to her ears. Her head turns back to the piano keys when Jade catches her staring. "Relax, I'm just putting on something comfortable." a smirk tugged her lips as she jumps on her bed, "And something easier to take off later." she adds.
"Oh, shut up."
"Make me." a smug face stared at a red one. Perrie didn't know if she could survive anymore of Jade's teasing. "Can we just watch the movie now?"
"But you're wearing jeans."
"Put on something comfortable. Get a pair of sweatpants in my drawer." Jade points at the same drawer she got her own and shuffled in her bed getting comfortable as she opens her laptop and throws a few popcorn in her mouth. Perrie stood up to grab a random pair of sweatpants while brown eyes watched her carefully, "Turn around." she rolls her eyes and waits for the same brown eyes to look away with a sulky pout. "No peaking."
"I'll get a better look later." she whispers under her breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing.. Are you done?"

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