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Trigger Warning // there will be a brief talk of rape in this chapter!


Jade rushed to the library when Jesy told her that Perrie wasn't going to eat lunch with them. Perrie had been ignoring Jade all day and the brunette wasn't having it. They needed to talk but whenever they needed to, one would always be running away.

She knew that Perrie would be in the library since it was always quiet and peaceful. She took a deep breath hoping she was right as she made her way to the back of the library. A sigh of relief left her lips when she sees the blonde head buried in a book. Perrie looks up at the panting brunette and went pale at the sight.

Jade awkwardly makes her way to the seat in front of Perrie, "I know you're mad and I'm sorry. Just listen. I'll explain everything you want and need to know." she stares at Perrie who closed her book and placed it in front of her. She leaned on her chair to give all her attention to the brunette. Jade took a deep breath in, "Lauren and I weren't just friends with benefits .." she started off, "I liked her."

Perrie felt her stomach turn as Jade spoke. She bit the insides of her cheeks to keep her emotions in check but she's sure Jade can read her like an open book.

"Or maybe I just liked the sex." she awkwardly chuckled but it sounded more like a nervous laugh, "But I didn't know she was dating Harry. I would never take part in cheating." her eyes was full of truth. "When I found out I called everything off but she had fallen for me and broken up with Harry." the seriousness in Jade's voice and eyes convinced Perrie but she still had some questions. "That's mainly the reason why Harry hates me. He's no better anyways."

Perrie stayed silent trying to process everything in her head. It does make sense and who would she believe? The love of her life or a douche bag who she's only met a few times?

"What did he say to you?" the blonde finally spoke.

Jade's ear twitched at the sound of her voice, it felt like she hasn't heard her voice in forever. "When?" she sat up straight.

"Before you attacked him, he whispered something to you." Perrie glances at the bruise on Jade's cheek. She sits on her hands to force herself from reaching over and touching it.

Jade swallowed recalling the moment, "Remember when Andre said he got kicked out of here but didn't exactly know why because there were a lot of rumors?" Perrie nodded and listened carefully, "Well .. he raped someone in one of the changing rooms." her head hung low and Perrie couldn't hold in her gasp. She covered her mouth with her hand with wide eyes.

Her eyes wondered at the thought of marrying a rapist. Jade noticed immediately and hesitated to carry on but Perrie's eyes were telling her to continue, "He told me that he wouldn't hesitate to ..." Jade looked into her glassy blue eyes.

Perrie hid behind her palms after feeling wet salty tears fall from her eyes. Jade jumped off her chair and quickly wrapped her arms around Perrie.

"I'm not going to let him do anything to you. We're leaving right after we graduate, okay? I promise." Jade kissed the top of her head before taking her chin and pulling her head up so their eyes met once more. She glances at her lips silently asking for approval. Perrie leans in to lock their lips and Jade could taste the salty tears but couldn't care less because she would do anything to have her lips on Perrie's.


One and a half months later

Graduation was in three weeks and their group of friends already knew about Jade and Perrie's plan. Keeping their secret got a lot easier since Andre and the guys threatened Harry to not speak about Jade to their parents and everything looked like it was going really smooth. Almost too smooth.

Jade had focused more on her school work, with Perrie helping her study and rewarding her with sexual pleasures. Funny as it sounds, it worked. She wasn't failing most of her classes anymore.

Perrie started to resent her parents a little more as each day went by. She didn't care for their opinions anymore and wouldn't fight back since she knew she was going to leave them behind anyways. Their plan was to go to college in London. Jade's mother didn't like the idea at first but with a lot of convincing she allowed it.

"Look who just came back from a sneaky little quicky in the janitors closet." Jesy teased the couple as they made their way to the lunch table. Perrie couldn't even hide her flushed cheeks and messy hair if she wanted too and not to mention Jade's noticeable fresh hickey which she liked to show off.

"Oh, shut up." Perrie rolled her eyes and fought back a smile.

"We were studying." Jade grinned not even trying to sound convincing.

"If sucking each other's necks like leeches is studying then I believe you." Leigh Anne laughed at the pair. "I can't believe we're graduating in a week!" she added excitedly.

"Thanks for reminding us every two seconds Leigh." Alex sarcastically says with a mouth full of grapes. Without trying he never failed to make the group laugh.

Jade couldn't stop smiling at the thought of running away with Perrie and finally living freely, but the thought of leaving her friends made her heart hurt. They were all going their separate ways and sitting on the lunch table with Alex shoving Leigh Anne's grapes in his mouth already felt nostalgic. She wished time could stop and they could be teenagers forever, laughing and partying without the worries of real life and adulthood stopping them. But that would be impossible, so she didn't take any second with her friends for granted. Savoring every sweet, stupid and funny moments with them because they'll all just be memories after this.

Perrie noticed Jade's silence and squeezed her hand to get her attention, "You alright?" she placed her chin on the brunette's shoulder and smiled.

Jade's heart fluttered at the sight. She kissed her lips softly as an answer until the gang gagged at the sight, "Get a room!" Leigh Anne teased.

"Don't act like you don't steal kisses with Andre when we're all together." Jade playfully fought back.

"Yeah! Get a room!" Chris joked before passionately kissing Jesy making the group make groan. They laughed into the kiss before pulling away.

"You lot are just showing off now." Alex sulked in his seat gaining a fit of laughter from the rest.


Jade almost skipped happily in her house, knowing that she and Perrie would be free in a few weeks time had her smiling but the smile soon left her face when she heard sobs echoing from the living room. Her house was always quiet but for some reason this silence wasn't the peaceful and calm it usually was but a scary and tense kind that had Jade nervous to her feet.

Jade felt like everything was in slow motion and every step she took felt heavier. Her heart beat was so loud that it was now the only thing she could hear, but when she saw her mother crawled up in a ball with her brother's arms around her. Her heart stopped. All she could hear now was a painful ringing in both ears. They looked up at her as her body felt numb. She stood in front of her wailing mother and silent brother and with a painful nod from him, she knew.

Her father was gone.

Jade had left with her mother and brother that day. She couldn't bring herself to talk or cry, or show any other emotion but pain. Her brother had called Leigh Anne to tell her the news, which she passed on to the rest of their friends. There was nothing more Perrie wanted to do than take Jade in her arms and whisper sweet and encouraging words in her ear. But she couldn't, her parents were strict on rules and the only time they saw each other was in school. She still didn't have a phone and if she did they would monitor it 24/7. Jade was now miles away from her and would refuse to talk to anyone, including Perrie. 


Poor Jerrie </3 

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