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A few hours has passed since they arrived at the party. Perrie mingled with a few group of girls since she didn't want to drink too much but she wanted Alex to have fun and get drunk with his buddies. Perrie was already getting tired but she knew Alex wouldn't want to go home for another while so she endured it and decided to look around the house to keep herself from boredom.

She made her way to the backyard where a group of stoners sat in a circle, "Blondey! Come sit with us!" they yelled after catching her staring for too long.

"I don't smoke." she said reluctantly, but she had always been curious on trying the substance.

"Doesn't matter." they encouraged her to join them, she shrugged before taking an empty seat. "We need your opinion." a dark haired guy turns to face Perrie.

Perrie smiled at the weird looking hat he wore, "Opinion on?"

"My friend here, doesn't believe in soulmates but I believe that everyone has a soulmate. I mean, soulmates don't always have to be romantic or anything, they could be your best friend, you know?" he rambled on, "Do you agree?"

"Hm.. I think I believe in soulmates." she looked down at her hands when Jade appeared in her head. She knew it was wrong to think of her when she was with Alex, and maybe it was wrong of her to even be dating one of her best friends. But she left and it was her choice to leave. She hurt her.

"So you decided to show up and just in time, we've got four for soulmates are real and three for soulmates are not real. What's your vote?" the voice brought Perrie back to reality and she looks up to see who the group had their attention to.

Her heart skipped a beat when she sees same curly haired brunette that appeared in her head in front of her. She blinks rapidly in disbelief. Her hair was in a half pony tail and her ends were now bleached which emphasised her curls. Her skin was just as tan as the first and last time she saw her and her eyes were just as big and golden like honey. She looked so grown. So beautiful. So real. Perrie couldn't believe it.

Jade hadn't noticed the blonde yet as she continued to roll the blunt on her fingertips, "Soulmates?" she asked, her eyes still fixed on the blunt on her lap.

"Yeah, what's your opinion on soulmates?"

Jade licked the skin of the blunt before wrapping it tightly, "I believe in-" as she looks up, the baby blue eyes finally locks with her honey coloured ones, "Soulmates." she spoke almost breathlessly.

"Aha! If Jade says soulmates are real then soulmates are real!" the dark haired guy with the funny hat clapped loudly before jumping off his chair and pointing at the ones who disagreed.

"Perrie." Jade was so dazed, she barely realised that the blunt she had rolled were no longer in her fingertips. Perrie's chest began to hurt and her breaths became shorter. She quickly stood up with shaky legs and ran inside, unable to control her movements at all.

"You scared her!" a bearded guy who looked a little similar to Jesus lightly smacked the guy with the funny looking hat's head. Jade ignores them and follows Perrie, "Are you giving this to us!" he yells holding the blunt she had rolled between his fingers before shrugging and lighting it up.

No, no, no.

Perrie felt like her whole world was crashing down.

She pushed through the crowd and finally spotted Alex playing beer pong. She grabs his arm and pulls him away from the table, he raises his eyebrows in confusion. "Let's go home." Perrie choked at her own words.

"I was in a middle of this game." Alex whined, "After this game, and a couple more beers okay?" he stumbles back but catches himself.

"But Alex, I really want to go home now." Perrie couldn't bring herself to mention the brunette. She hoped that Jade didn't follow her and they could leave before Alex sees her, but it was too late.

"Jade?" Alex moved Perrie aside to get a better look at the said brunette. He rubs his eyes and wobbles towards her.

"Alex." her eyes widen before looking anywhere but his eyes since her own were full of shame, pain and regret.

"Hey." Jade anxiously picked the skin around her nail. She finally looks up at the two and sees Alex's arm wrapped around Perrie's waist. Her eyes shoot up at Alex and without speaking, she knew. It was like a special power Jade had, to know what people were thinking or saying just by looking at their eyes. She takes a shaky deep breath and then lets out a light chuckle "Fuck," she curses under her breath.

To her surprise, she feels Alex wrap his arms around her. Jade hesitated but after a while she returned the hug. "You're an idiot, Thirlwall." Alex says and she smiled, "I know, Chamberlain." they pull away and Jade can see the genuine happiness forming in Alex's face.

"Where the fuck have you been?! I thought I'd never see you again, holy shit! I thought you fucking died or something!" by the amount cursing and the slight pushing, Jade could tell that Alex was already drunk.

She couldn't help but smile. He didn't change at all.

Perrie fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, "Alex."

Alex turned to Perrie, but unlike Jade, he could never read her. "Oh! Got some good news!" he grinned pulling her close and rubbing her arm with his hand, "We're together now!" he beamed.

Jade darts her eyes at Perrie who avoided them immediately. The brunette managed to force a smile and lightly punch Alex's shoulder, "Congrats, man. I'm happy for you." she half laughed. She was sure her words sounded fake to Perrie but to Alex, who couldn't keep himself up, probably thought it sounded genuine.

"No hard feeling right?" Alex grabs Jade's shoulder and looked carefully in her eyes trying to read her. Jade knew he wasn't doing this to hurt her intentionally, he was drunk and from the looks of it, he really liked Perrie. I mean, who wouldn't. Plus he probably won't remember this at all.

"None at all." Jade takes his hand off her shoulder and gives him a lazy smile.

"I knew you'd come around! So, where the fuck have you been? I can't believe you're here!" the corner of his lips almost reached his eyes and Jade thought about where she had been for the last two years.

"Let's talk another time. It's getting late and I was just about to leave." Jade lied, glancing at the blonde beside Alex.

"What? You're going already?! Oh, hey Pez didn't you want to go too? We can give Jade a ride," Alex grabs her hand before wrapping his other arm around Jade's shoulder and leading them to his car. Both girls knew it was going to be hard to get out of this, "This is just like old times!" —far from it— Alex laughed oblivious to the awkward tension he was creating.


Here we go..

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