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It's been two years since their first night back together and the pair couldn't be anymore happy. Jade moved out of Jed's apartment and into Perrie's since they knew that they couldn't be apart for more than a day or two.

Jade raised enough money to get her own club bar. She named it 'Arbeia' and even though it's small and still needs a lot of work to finally be the perfect bar she's envisioned , she couldn't be anymore grateful. Jed's band had permanently started playing for Arbeia and it definitely brought in more customers; considering the fact that Jed was just as popular with the ladies as Jade was.

Perrie finally got her degree in teaching and tonight, they were celebrating. It was a special night because the gang decided to do a little reunion in Jade's bar.

"Hey gorgeous, can I have your number?" Jade teases wrapping her arms around her lovers waist and resting her chin on her shoulder while admiring Perrie apply lipstick in front of the mirror.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend." Perrie says in a sarcastic tone and smacks her lips together before fixing her hair.

"She doesn't have to know." she spins her around grips onto her hips and pulls her close there was no space between them. She leans in for a kiss but only to be stopped by hands squeezing her cheeks together. Her eyes snaps open, "You're going to ruin my lipstick." Perrie scolds.

"Pwease..?" Jade's lips were puckered and Perrie held back a smile, "Just a peck?" she pleads with her eyes.

"Just a peck." Perrie sternly says, knowing Jade she wouldn't let it be just a peck. Jade nods slowly and stares at Perrie's lips.

The blonde keeps her grip on Jade's cheeks and quickly pulls her in for a peck. Surprisingly, Jade didn't lean in for a deeper kiss which she found a little odd since the brunette loved to tease and annoy her. She didn't pay any mind to it since she'd have to reapply her lipstick anyway and pulled away to fix her dress and put on her heels.

Jade's hair was down and she wore a black blazer dress with long tail at the back, showing off her legs and bare chest. She matched well with Perrie who had her hair up and wore a tight black dress with sequins along the sides and hem of the dress. They looked like a married couple.

"Ready?" Jade sat at the edge of the bed fidgeting at her phone.

"Ready." Perrie replies with a big smile.

They link arms before driving to the bar with grins plastered on their faces. It had been a little over four years since the group of high school friends last saw each other.

Jade bounced her leg nervously. It wasn't because she was nervous to see them, maybe a part of her was, but she was so excited to see her best mates all in one room without anything stopping them from being themselves that she couldn't help but be a little giddy. No parents, no teachers and no rules. Just a couple of friends having a good time.

"I swear I know the owner! Her name is Jade Thirlwall!" the brown skinned girl was starting to lose her patience.

"Everyone knows the owner is Jade Thirlwall. Sorry ma'am, no ID means no entry." the bouncer crosses his arms and shook his head.

"But- Oh my God, Jade! Perrie!" she waves at the couple who had just parked in front of the bar.

"Leigh!" Jade almost sprints towards her best friend and hugs her so tight that Leigh Anne swore that she's making her waist smaller by the second. "I missed you so much! I can't believe you're here!"

"I can't believe you're alive! God, Jade it's been so long!"

"Too fucking long." they pull away and laugh in unison until a cough catches their attention.

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