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"Woah, you're not driving are you?" Jade presses her hand on Alex's chest to stop him from getting in the drivers seat.

"Well, Pez can't drive and unless you want to walk then.." Alex jokingly shrugged and reaches for the door handle but Jade stops him again with a sigh, "You're too drunk to drive, I'll drive." Jade takes his keys and lightly pushes him at the back where he slowly fell asleep.

Perrie sat still at the passenger seat as Jade started the engine and backed the car from the drive way. Perrie couldn't help but glance at the brunette. Her side profile looked surreal. Her nose has always been pointy and perfect, and her lips looked so soft and plump. Perrie subconsciously licked her dry lips at the thought.

Jade could feel her eyes on her but chose to ignore it, "Where do you guys live?" she finally breaks the silence. Her eyes were still fixed on the road.

Perrie clears her throat and looks ahead, she timidly tells her their address. The tension was so thick she felt like she was suffocating.

"How are you?" Jade asks after a while of silence, she kept her voice calm and sure.

Perrie observed her body language from the corner of her eyes, "I'm alright." it came out a little softer than she intended and Jade smiled.

Perrie tried her best not to let her emotions take over and break down in front of her so she looked out the window where hopefully, Jade couldn't see her trying to hold it in.

They were silent throughout the ride back to the apartment and when Jade parked, they both looked back at Alex who was peacefully sleeping. They hadn't realised how close their faces were until their eyes locked. Jade glances at her lips and noticed the little freckle on her top lip peaking out of her slightly smudged lipstick. It took all Jade's will power to not lean in and peck it.

Perrie quickly sat up before opening the door and feeling the cold air hit her flushed cheeks. She takes a deep breath before opening the back door and shaking Alex slightly to wake him up.

She looks up at Jade who was now on the other side of him. She pulls his arm and drags him out of the car almost effortlessly despite him being stronger and taller, she managed to have his arm wrapped around her neck. Perrie looks at her with amazement wondering how she did so in one swift movement. "Alex would always be the one who got too drunk when we went out, and I was always the one who got him home." Jade smiled warmly at Perrie before walking herself and Alex in front of the building. Perrie swore Jade was a mindreader.

It took longer than expected but once they got Alex on the bed he was still as a rock. Jade and Perrie panted lightly, "He needs to go on a diet." Jade teased causing Perrie to giggle and it was music to her ears.

They make their way out of the bedroom, "Well.. I better go." Jade awkwardly says.

Perrie swallowed harshly. It was odd to think that Jade's short presence felt like it had always been there for the past two years and the thought of it leaving panicked her, "You're bleeding."

"Huh?" Jade raised an eyebrow.

"Your finger." she points out. Jade looks at her finger, not surprised by the bead of blood forming near her nail.

"It happens." Jade shrugged before putting the side of her finger in between her lips and sucking on it. Perrie noticed how every second finger had a few scabs around each nail.

"Let me get you a bandaid." Perrie quickly leaves before she could protest. She sits on the couch and waits for her to come back. Her eyes roam around the apartment and she studies it. 'What ifs' appear in her head but she brushes them off.

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