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Perrie placed her head on the brunette's shoulder, "I'm sorry for bringing it up." she takes her hand and intertwine their fingers.

"Don't be sorry." Jade's voice was raspy, "I told you we were going to think of something, figure it out, find a way.. but instead I avoided it." she finally confessed, "Perrie." she sits up causing Perrie to remove her head from her shoulder as they face each other.

Perrie continued to stare at the eyes that were filled with hopelessness. This is it. Jade was breaking up with her. She shouldn't have said anything.

"I want to be with you forever." Jade's unexpected words caught her off guard. She rapidly blinks back at Jade, "I know forever is a long time, but we're graduating soon, right? We can run away and be with each other. No one can stop us then." she squeezed Perrie's hand with a small smile. "Fuck, it's crazy. I know it's a stupid idea." she laughs nervously when Perrie continued to stare at her.

"Oh Jade, I want to be with you forever too!" she pushed her lips against the brunette's, "You do?" Jade mumbled through the kiss. Perrie doesn't say anything but continues to hungrily kiss her.

When they pull apart, Perrie's eyes were widened with shock, not because of Jade but the figure behind her, "Pez?" the brunette turned to see an unwanted face leaning on the wall with crossed arms and a smirk which grew when he noticed Jade's face twitch at the sight of him.

"That's my soon to be wife you're kissing, Thirlwall." he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards Perrie with an open hand, "Your father sent me. He said it was about time we start talking and I agree."

Perrie swats his hand away and stands up, "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Fuck off, Harry." Jade's hand gripped Perrie's waist while her other pushed Harry's chest slightly when she saw him take a step closer to the blonde. He lets out a loud laugh which didn't surprise either of them since it wasn't the first time he laughed in a tense room.

"How 'bout you fuck off, Jade. You're not even supposed to be with her. She's mine now, you know that right?" Jade would lie if she said she didn't feel intimidated in the moment, but she stood her ground and didn't flinch when Harry's attention went from Perrie's to hers. "Now, if you'll excuse us. We have to be somewhere." Harry grabbed Perrie's hand and pulled her a little too hard making her squeal.

"Don't fucking touch her." Jade takes Perrie's free hand to stop her from getting anymore near him. Her grip wasn't as painful as Harry's but it was still there. Perrie was between the two curly haired brunette's like a bone between two hungry dogs. "She doesn't want to be with you." Jade's voice was deep and low and her chest heaved slowly trying to control herself from jumping Harry and ripping his eyeballs out.

"It doesn't matter what she wants." Harry scoffed then lets Perrie's hand go to lean in Jade's ear and whisper something that definitely struck a nerve because the next thing Perrie saw was Jade throwing a hard punch on Harry's face. "What the fuck?!" he yelled not expecting her to be as strong as she looked. He had stumbled from the punch and was now on the floor with a hand over his left eye.

Jade didn't say anything but instead straddled him and continued to throw punches while he covered his head in attempt to prevent her first from making contact with his face. Blood finally drew from his lip and that's when Perrie shook herself from shock and tried to pull Jade back, but Jade swatted her away. She had never seen Jade looks so anger in her life and she wondered what he said to her that made the ticking bomb inside her explode.

Jade's arm eventually got tired, she paused to take a few breaths in. Harry took this opportunity to push her off of him and gave her a good punch back. "Jesus!" he yelled wiping his lip with his hand and seeing blood on his fingertips.

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