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Perrie sat up from her bed when she noticed her mother's serious face, "Talk about what?" she swallows the lump in her throat.

"I know what you've been up to." her mother says with a stern voice. Perrie fidgets with her bed sheets, "What do you mean?" she tries to play it cool but her mother knows her more than herself.

"I saw your texts. You've been hanging around that Jane girl and I want you to stop before things get ugly."

Perrie puts her hands on each side of her head, it's happening again. If she had been more careful. If her mother hadn't read her texts. "Her name is Jade. And you read my texts?" she looks up at her mother.

"I don't care about her name. I care about you and your safety, she's a bad influence. What you need is a real man, Perrie."

"Oh my god." Perrie starts to almost laugh at how delusional her mother is and stands up. "You're crazy." she whispers to herself but her mother hears it.

Her mother's eyes widen at Perrie's words. She has never been this way towards her and would usually let her parents have their way so she didn't have to listen to them but this time it looks like she's fighting back. "Don't speak to me with that tone." her mother crosses her arms as her eyebrows furrowed.

"You're crazy." Perrie repeats and points at her before walking to her door. She doesn't want to deal with this right now, she needs to get away. Her mother pulls her arm forcing her to stay in place, "Let go of me."

"Stay away from her." her mother's grip tightens.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Perrie yanks her arm away from her mother's grasp. Her mother gasps at Perrie's unexpected words and actions, "You've gone too far, give me your phone." her mother's palm reaching out for her phone.

"I'm eighteen, not twelve." Perrie scoffs but glances at her phone on the bed which her mother catches her doing. They both end up making a run for the device, Perrie's mother being closer gets a hold of it first. "Are you serious? Give me my phone." Perrie almost yells as she tries to grab it from her mother.

The door swings open and their faces went pale at the sight of the tall man who stood before them. It could have been easier if it was just Perrie and her mother but now that her dad is involved, things will get ugly. "What's going on?" he says with furrowed eyebrows. Perrie and her mother look at each other. Even though her mother was on her father's side, they both knew what he's capable of doing when he's mad and they both equally hated it. "Well?" he puts his arms on his hips and looks at them impatiently.

Her mother looks straight into her eyes. She wouldn't, Perrie thought. "Perrie's been talking to that Jane girl again." she says so calm, yet so childish and it makes Perrie want to scream. How can her mother be so cruel. She looks at her father's expression and knew she was in trouble when he takes a deep breath in, "Is this true?" he sternly says.

Perrie nods. "Give me the phone." her mother hands him the phone. They curiously watch him as he scrolls through her messages with a face they couldn't make out. Then, he sends the phone through the floor with full force. Pieces flew around her room while Perrie's mouth drops open. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she barks in instinct, her parents displeased with her unexpected outburst look at her with an almost baffled expression. Perrie has never used profanity around her parents let alone even yelled back at them.

"What?!" her father slowly walks closer to her. Perrie was too shocked to answer him back in the moment. Her eyes stayed at the shattered phone that was scattered around the floor. There was no way she could fix this. It wasn't even just about texting Jade anymore, all her photos with memories were in that device and now she would never get them back. Her chest heaves with every deep breath she takes, her anger building up. She can't believe this.

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